Chapter Twelve 2022

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Y/n the last thing y/n saw was a green flash and Winifred standing before you. As you open your eyes you find yourself on a soft bed?

Where am I? Y/n asks? Hello?
Ah you are awake miss?  Uh  y/n
Right y/n you suffered quite a shock, a lightning bolt, you're lucky to be alive.
What year is it doctor? Y/n asks
Oh what year do you think it is the dr says ?
It's 1693..... I mean 2022?
Dr looks concerned...... hmmm 1693? You had quite a hit now look here for me, raising a finger and I follow with my eyes.

You suffered a bad concussion, a townsperson found you laying on the ground unconscious and smoking. There was strange electrical storms and we think you were hit by lightning.

Y/n's pov I am back in 2022 but is Winifred ok? Are the sisters ok? My head hurts so bad and my arm is numb. Y/n tries to move their arm but it hurts y/n winces.

Arm numb? Dr says?
Can you move your fingers?
Y/n moves their fingers.... Ok so it's not broken, good

Here, this will help.. the dr gives y/n a dose of morphine and leaves. Y/n closes their eyes and falls asleep. Dreaming of what just happened moments ago.

Flashes of lightning, screaming, agonising pain..... and Winifred's face. Y/n opens their eyes and sits up.
Good morning y/n dr says, feeling any better?
Y/n can move their arm now, y....yes I feel.... Fine

Your vitals are normal if you are feeling better sign here and you can go.
Y/n grabs the pen and signs their name....

Dr I don't know where my clothes are? Can I shower first?
Dr points to the table there's your clothes and yes you can check out before 5pm
and leaves. Goodbye y/n the dr says

Y/n gets up out of bed winching, holding their stomach. Y/n gets up and looks in the mirror in the bathroom, Oh my god y/n says seeing how awful their hair looks, bags under their eyes.

Y/n steps into the shower and washes themselves with soap. This feels really nice as the water runs over y/n's body. Smiling and turning off the water, drying yourself and putting their clothes on.

Looks in mirror y/n thinks much better. Y/n walks out of the room, looking at the hospital signs cafe this way.

Hmmm food sounds nice but I have no money, y/n rolls eyes. Walking down the corridor you notice a $10 note on the ground. Y/n bends down and picks it up. It feels like you haven't eaten in years. If it's 2022 and I came from 1693? 329 years?
Y/n walks back to the cafe.....

Hello the server says, what can I get for you?
Hmmm a large coffee with soy milk, and a bread roll with tomato and avocado.
Is that all?
$9.50 wait over there.....

Thank you keep the change y/n says.

So checking out? A man says, y/n looks up at this man?
Rory? Y/n says...
Richard actually, close though.
Your grandfather is Rory Warner?
Great grandfather , how did you know?
Lucky guess
Witch? Richard says.. What? N... haha chill Richard says as he grabs his coffee and walks off. Have a nice day witch

I'm not a w.... Y/n says as the server calls out soy coffee and bread roll?
Y/n raises a finger that's mine, thank you.
Y/n thinks to their self how I missed coffee and vegan food. You sit down at a table and start eating.
Looking around you are still adjusting to being back in 2022. A thought crosses your mind, are the sisters still alive?

As you finish your food and coffee you get up and leave the hospital. I am still in Salem but where? It's so different. The forest has been cut down, things are gone.

Hey going to the party tonight? A woman says
Hmmm? Y/n says
The party at town hall?
Oh uhhh yes
Well you're in costume, she points to my dress.
Y/n realises oh yes
Well unless you're from the 1600s, she laughs
Y/n chuckles nervously
Wait y/n says can you give me a lift to town hall?
Sure the woman says.
I follow her to her car and hop in.

Thinking to myself a broom is more fun, I can't remember how to drive or use a phone.  What is your name? The woman says
I am y/n and thee? I mean you?
I'm Lexie Sanderson
SANDERSON? Y/n exclaims
Oh you're worried about my ancestors? The sanderson sisters?
No, I uh was wondering are you related? To them I mean?
Yes unfortunately, having people scared of me because of my last name is annoying.

You could use it to your advantage y/n says........

Nah, Lexie says, it won't matter because the sisters are still feared. You know because they run the apothecary from their old house, in the woods.

They are still alive? Y/n smiles
Oh yes, they are immortal. They took a potion, stopped killing children and people still fear them. Legends never die, as the town says.

Wait you're y/n aren't you? Winifred's girl lover?
Yes I am she/ he/ they, you've heard the legend?
Lexie pulls the car over, get out she says
Y/n confused ok thanks

Lexie drives off in a hurry nearly running into a fruit cart.
Y/n thinks, wtf was that about?
You start walking down the Main Street and turn to walk through the cemetery, MRS mrs you cannot go there a voice says from behind.
Y/n turns around, excuse me?
The cemetery?
Yes, it's closed, for sanderson day?
Y/n, ohh you close the cemetery?
Hallow ground? The man says, even though the sisters aren't killing children anymore they'll turn to stone if they touch hallow ground.
Oh, y/n says, I've been out of town for awhile, thanks!

Sanderson day? I see a flyer on the window of town hall

Sanderson day celebration:
Celebrating the sanderson sisters as the oldest residents in Salem, young witches our ancestors.
Hmmm I don't think Winnie would be happy about the word oldest..... y/n thinks

Y/n walks down the other path around the cemetery heading towards the old cottage.

Why didn't I do this before? Or first? I wanted to look good and impress Winifred, y/n thinks. The oath is tar now, not dirt, the forest has been cut down and there's new houses around. Y/n's old shack is run down and is covered in graphiti. Y/n sighs and sees that the wall of trees isn't around the cottage anymore, is that a good thing? Y/n's mind thinks the worst but remembers lexies words. THEY ARE ALIVE!

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