Chapter two Winifred

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Y/n continues to walk toward the shack. But stops and looks up wondering if whatever she saw flying was still there. No it's gone.... It must've been a bird, maybe a balloon.

Y/n wasn't watching where they were going and walks right Into someone. With a crash they fall to the ground with a thud.

Y/n bends down to help the person up. Y/n realises who they have just knocked over.

Watch where you're going you pest the woman says and slaps y/n's hand away.

What is thou looking at?

Y/n... I... I saw something flying...

Winifred looks at y/n, a bird perhaps?

No too big to be a bird y/n says.

Hmmm.... You're seeing things again y/n Winifred says.

No.... I.....

Hush, I know you're crazy y/n Winifred says in a harsh tone.

Y/n, I am not....

Winifred smiles, and raises her hand to y/n's chin. And steps closer.....
y/n, thinks- omg I have never been this close to Winifred before. She has such beautiful eyes y/n snaps out of it when she realises Winifred was talking this whole time.

I.. I'm sorry what were you saying?

Winifred rolls her eyes and puts her hand on y/n's shoulder.

Tell me dumpling, art thou listening?

I, didn't hear what you said..

Winifred smiles, and puts her other hand on y/n's shoulders.

Y/n is in awe and can't move, Winifred looks into your eyes and you seem to be in a hypnotic state.

All you can do is smile.

Winifred clicks her fingers, hello y/n ???

Y/n shakes their head...

Realising once again, what is going on?

Winifred asks, something is troubling thee?

Y/n- looks away... I can't talk about it.... My... friend, she...

Yes? Winifred says? Your friend? The Bella girl?

Bella yes how did you know?

Winifred chuckles, she's the town whore of course I know we all know...

Hey don't talk about her that way..... y/n says in anger.

Winifred rolls her eyes- oh hush she's a foolish girl to fall for that retched boy.

Y/n, yes she was a fool. He wooed her and she fell for it. I want to help my friend... But I've heard of what thee did to Billy...
Winifred groans and says"  Oh dear you cannot help thy friend"

And why not? Y/n says confused.

Because, Winifred points and I follow her finger and see Bella being dragged into town hall  by Rory's father. The mayor!

BELLA y/n screams......

Y/n goes to run to their friend but is stopped by Winifred.

Let me go y/n yells....

No, you will thank thee one day Winifred says.

BELLA, y/n screams again......

SHUT UP!! Winifred yells at y/n as she covers y/n's mouth.

Tears form in y/n's eyes because they know what is to come next for Bella.

Listen to thee y/n, your friend is going to die this is no lie. Those girls told the mayor she's a witch and carrying satans baby.

Y/n move's Winifred's hand from their mouth. What? That's ridiculous this town is full of idiots.

Yes, thy are correct Winifred agrees.

I need to help Bella y/n says with tears dripping down her cheeks.

You cannot, Winifred says as she wipes the tears off y/n's face.

You know as well as I that they have already made up their minds. She is going to hang tonight.

Y/n starts crying...... no... this... can't... Shhhhhh, Winifred says.

Come with me y/n

Y/n walks away from the wall and walks beside Winifred. Looking down at their feet.

Don't look so sad Winifred says. You have thee and thy sisters.

Y/n- Winnie we haven't really talked since graduation. And the last time we actually spent any time together, was that time in high school in biology.

Winifred laughs.... Oh I remember the frog incident.

Y/n laughs, omg yes that's where the witch rumour came from. Mavis started that rumour about me being a witch.

Because I touch the frog and it wakes up. The whole class ran out.

You and your sisters sat there laughing-

Hahaha Winifred chuckles. I remember, but you know it wasn't thee it was me.

Y/n- wait? So I did see lightning come from across the room. Y/n realises this whole time it was no coincidence.

Winifred smiles- and walks ahead a little, Y/n stops, wait Winifred.... Y/n says holding out their hand.

Winifred reaches for y/n's hand, as their hands touch there's a shock of lighting.

OUCH! Y/n's exclaims. What was that?

Winifred looks as puzzled as y/n.

Listen, y/n go to your friend and forget this happened.

Y/n... wait.....

But Winifred is gone.

Dumpling x the Sanderson sisters. (Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now