Chapter Four At The Cottage

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Bel.... Where did Bella go y/n says.

Bella? Bell?

Y/n hears sobbing coming from the alley. NO!

Y/n runs back and sees a scorch mark on the wall near the dumpster. There's no sign of Mr Warner.

She killed my dad... Bella sobs, she.... She...

Y/n looks concerned, Bella come we need to go now before......

The door swings open.

YOU, get back here a man screams at Bella.

NO! Y/n screams back at the man.

Bella you did not do this.

It's my fault I'm a bad daughter and I deserve to die for my sins.

Yes wench you will die. The man grabs Bella by the arm and throws her inside.

Y/n walks towards the man but he backhands you and you fall backwards and hit your head on the dumpster.

Bang... it echos for a second.

Y/n your ears are ringing, your vision blurs for a few seconds.

Y/n rubs their head and tries to get up.

Stumbles and falls again.

Tears well in y/n's eyes.....

Bella is going to hang and there's nothing y/n can do.

Rubbing your arm you walk out of the alley, down the road, across the cemetery and down the footpath towards the forbidden woods. Towards the Sanderson sisters cottage.

It's getting dark and the moon is bright red. Y/n looks up at the stars and smiles. Last time y/n was here Bella was with them. Walking to the lamppost.

Tears form in y/n's eyes-

Y/n walks faster because they hear footsteps coming from behind.

Paranoid y/n starts to run.

The footsteps behind are getting closer and closer.

Y/n looks behind and runs right into Winifred.
Agh y/n gasps in fright

Winifred was expecting y/n and did not fall. Ah there you are she says.

Some..... something is..... y/n studders. Following me

It was Mary, she comes out of the dark laughing.

Sarah comes out of the shadows smiling.

Winnie can we play with her now?

Y/n- confused uh... play?

Tis Halloween Sarah says

Mary growls....

Winifred rolls her eyes, come y/n. Winifred puts her arm around you and you all walk to the cottage.

Y/n's heart is still racing but you breathe in and out.

The cottage beems with light from the fire. Y/n smiles as you're walking up the stairs.

You open the door and walk in followed by Winifred, Mary and Sarah.

Sarah closes the door but the wind catches it.

SARAH! Winnie and Mary sat at the same time.

Oops Sarah says.

Y/n laughs...

It is toasty inside the cottage, ever since you met the sisters you've wanted to go inside their house. Here you are standing near their cauldron.

Ah sisters come we must brew a batch of the potion for the party tonight haha Winifred laughs.

Party? Y/n asks? You're going to the party at town hall?

Winifred's eyes light up. Yes we are.

Y/n looks down saddened by the thought. Because Bella can't be there and you'll never see her again.

Ooh Winnie look, Mary says as she points to a frog. Escaped from the cauldron.

Y/n starts laughing. Oh Winnie did you do that on purpose?

Chuckles...... hmmm maybe she says and raises her hand.

A bolt of lightning shoots out of her finger and hits the frog back into the cauldron.

Y/n looks in amazement. Wow... you really do have magic powers.

Sarah smiles, we all do

Winnie glares....

Ooh sister are we going to eat y/n now?

No, y/n is mine Winifred says.

Y/n thinking, mine? I didn't exist to her till today. Hmmm would the blood moon have anything to do with this?

And my friend pregnant about to die

I am so overwhelmed I just don't care at this point.

Y/n.... Winifred says with a smile, this potion is for thee.

Holding a vile with purple liquid inside....
I.. what...

It is a immortality potion, my sisters and I have taken it. We no longer need childrens souls to stay young.

Y/n mouth wide open with shock so you're not the ones kidnapping children?

We aren't the only witches in Salem Mary says.

We know who is taking those children. Sarah says smiling.

Y/n looks at Winnie, yes Tis your friend my dumpling.

Bella? Y/n says in disbelief. ?

She's not a witch....

She is Mary says

Wait I've known her for the last 3 years and I......

Winifred chuckles ohh dumpling, you are so.... Naive

So this whole time the town blames you three but it's her? Such a bi....

Shhh language Sarah says. And jumps up and down.

Mary fetch the bat wings and add it to the cauldron. Y/n and I have some talking to do.

Y/n walks with Winifred upstairs and sit on Winifred's bed.

Winifred hands y/n the vile...... drink this dumpling and be young forever.

You look at the vile and think ugh I can't imagine what is in this potion.

Winnie what is in the cauldron?

Ahh that dumpling is a confusion potion. We give to the staff at town hall. Your friend isn't going to hang tonight.

Wait you said....

I know what I said earlier, but you see she is the key to the potion.

Key? Her blood? Y/n says.

Winifred laughs, no dear her soul.

Your eyes go wide. She has a soul?

Y/n chuckles at their own joke.

Yes. Winifred says she does indeed. Her soul is the key to the power my sisters and I need.

Power? Winifred last time you tried a power spell you and your sisters.....

Dumpling x the Sanderson sisters. (Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now