5. forbidden forest

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When the couple had apparated to the Forbidden Forest, it was clear that Draco was out of his comfort zone. He would flinch at every hoot of an owl and every snap of a twig under their feet.



"Draco, it's just another owl. And stop digging you nails into my arm!"

"Sorry, sorry."

"There you two are! You guys took ages!" Ron said, running over to them.

"Draco was being a wuss."

"I WAS NOT, that owl just startled me."

"Okay, well, now that you're here, let's see that patronus!"

"He doesn't know how, yet."

"I thought you taught him!" Hermione exclaimed as she walked up to the group.

"Er, we've been... busy." Harry muttered,

"Oh, bloody hell." Ron said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Well, we have! With work!" Draco said quickly.

"Sure... work." Ron muttered sarcastically.

"Oh wow, 'Mione, how far along are you, now?" Harry asked, wanting to change the subject.

Hermione's stomach had swelled about two sizes larger since he last saw her a few months back. She looked tired, but she had an unusual glow to her round face.

"About five months, Harry!" She grinned and her eyes looked a bit watery.

"Lovely." He said and gave her a hug.

"Yeah, seriously, congrats." Draco said with a small grin on his face.

"Thank's, Malfoy." Ron said half heartedly.

Here they were, Harry's best friends, all grown up. He felt a sudden sadness, an ache for the people he'd lost that he hadn't felt in a long time. 

Sirius, Remus, Tonks, Mad-Eye, Dumbledore, Fred, even Cedric Diggory; his bisexual awakening. But especially his parents. He wished for a time when everything was simple and he was still a child, but he knew that none of his traumatic childhood was ever really that way.

(Writer's note) Hi, I'm Audrey, I hope you have enjoyed this short (but kinda long) story so far! I am looking forward to continuing the story, and I hope you are, too! Please comment if you have any questions/critique's about my writing or the story! -AudomaticGay

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