2. gone

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It had been two weeks since Ron and Hermione left, and things were looking up. They would come over for supper once or twice a week, and they would all eat too much food and drink too much wine, and it would feel like old times again.

Draco and Harry made sure to keep their intimacy down to quick pecks and hugs while the others were around. They saved their hunger for when they had the house to themselves.

They had also heard exciting news from Hermione; Ginny and Luna had began dating over the summer, and would be coming over that Wednesday evening! They all toasted to that.

It was perfect. Life for Draco and Harry became simple and happy. They would have friends over, drink too much, say goodbye, drunkenly undress each other at midnight, soberly put their clothes back on in the late morning, go to work, say goodbye to friends again, and again, and again.

How could something so perfect, so simple, be so uneventful? They didn't know the answer to that. How could they? They were blinded by the beauty of it all. But life can never truly be uneventful... even when it seems that way. 

"We have something big to tell you all," Hermione said on one of these "uneventful" evenings.

She clutched Ron's hand, held it tight, they were both beaming.

"So, as you all know, we have been married for about two years," 

"Wait, you two are MARRIED?" Draco asked, astonished.

"Oh right, sorry Malfoy, it was a very small wedding, you weren't there." Ron said, his cheeks turning a bit pink.

"How come you guys didn't tell me?" 

"Draco, to be honest, I often forget we're even married. We did it so young-"

"OKAY, WE GET IT! You guys are an old married couple, now GET TO THE POINT!" Ginny said, cutting Hermione off.

Luna set down her Quibbler magazine on the table to hear the news.

"Go on then, we haven't got all day!" Ginny said hastily.

"We're pregnant!" Hermione grinned and threw her arms in the air.

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