Chapter one BELLA

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It's 1693- Salem Massachusetts and y/n is reading a news paper article about 3 missing children in the last week.

Y/n oh.. rolls eyes, the whole town knows what has happened. But there is no witnesses. The sanderson sisters, Sarah,Mary and Winifred. Y/n went to Salem high school with them. They are always together, Winifred being the eldest sister by a couple of years, Mary being the middle sister and Sarah. The youngest sister.

Sarah, everyone talks about how beautiful she is, her beautiful blue eyes and long blonde hair. People focus on how dumb she acts. The village idiot some say. I think she's sweet.

Mary, has strange hair but it suits her and everyone talked about her keen sense of smell. People tend to focus on the fact she is bigger than most. I use to copy her biology homework, I hated bio...

Winifred, she has a temper that scares anyone who gets in her way. She has red hair, unique features. The townsfolk comment on her bucked teeth but never mention the fact she protects her sisters. No one messes with them, no one but her.

Y/n never thought Winifred was ugly. Truth be told y/n has a crush on Winnie. But this can never be known. 1693 any relationship between two of the same gender is frowned upon.

Y/n sighs... and puts the newspaper down and sips their water.

Hello y/n a familiar voice says as they approach.

Y/n looks up and sees her friend Bella.

Hello Bella, did you see this?

Bella stares at the newspaper, she rolls her eyes. Yes thou knowth who took the children.

Y/n yes Bella the san.... Shhh Bella says putting her finger to her lips.

Yes we shall not speak of thee.

Y/n thinks, people talk strange in this timeline.

Why shall we not speak of them y/n says.

Because.... They will come for thee.

Y/n laughs....

Bella folds her arms. Oh y/n sometimes I think thy are from a different time. Laugh not at the sanderson sisters.

Y/n, I do not laugh at them but at them coming for me. I am 27, not exactly young...anymore. Fear not Bella they won't come for thee.

Hold thy tongue Bella says.

Y/n rolls their eyes. Really Bella they aren't going to come after us.

Bella sighs in frustration, I came to see thee because I have bad news.

Y/n's eyes widen..... Bella?

Bella looks at her feet, I..... uh... studdering.

Bella what is it y/n says concerned.

I am pregnant.... Bella starts to cry. I cannot keep this child y/n I sinned.

Y/n stands up and hugs Bella. Bella you are my best friend and I am here for you. Who may I ask is the father?

Bella looks away..... it's.... Rory..

Y/n's eyes fill with shock. Bella? Rory? Of all people? Does he know?

Yes, he knows and he acts as if I do not exist.

Y/n takes Bella's hands. I have a friend that specialises in herbal tea. She may have a tea to help you.

Bella sniffs. Thank thee y/n. But I want to keep the fetus. I am leaving town tonight.

Y/n WHAT? Bella....

Look y/n you're my only friend, I will write to thee but I must leave. Or I will be shamed.

I understand y/n says with concern. I just want you to be safe.

Y/n, if you want to help meet me tonight at the edge of the forbidden woods. 9pm sharp under the old lamp post.

Bella walks away....

Y/n thinking to themselves, so my only friend is pregnant, leaving town and wants to meet in the part of town no one wonders by at night. And of all nights why Halloween?

It's a full blood moon, and the weirdos are definitely out tonight.

You start walking down the street heading back towards your shack. It's on the other side of the cemetery. The only place in town you could afford.

Admiring the Halloween decorations hung up around town hall, ghosts ghouls and witches. As you're walking you notice something fly across the sky. You stop and look, too big to be a bird.

Y/n...... Bella yells out

You turn around to see Bella running at you pointing behind her. She's being chased by some local girls. They are throwing stones at her.

Filthy girl.....



Y/n steps in front of Bella and the girls stop. Laughing and taunting Bella.

Mavis the main girl, oh look it's the losers friend y/n.

Yeah I hear she's a witch says Stacy....

Hilda chuckles, witch? But she's not ugly...

Y/n rolls eyes, you 3 leave Bella alone.

Mavis laughs and try's to shove y/n aside. Or what? Mavis taunts

Y/n grabs mavis by the shoulders and slams her into the wall.

Hilda and Stacy gasp and try pull y/n off Mavis.

Y/n shoved them off easily.

Listen here Mavis you do not scare me. Leave Bella alone or I will summon the Sanderson sisters and they will eat your soul. You and your sisters! LEAVE NOW y/n shouts.

Mavis whimpers and runs off, with Stacy and Hilda following behind.

Bella embraces y/n, thank you she says with tears in her eyes.

Y/n puts a hand on Bella's shoulder and says I will help you leave now Bella before they find out you're going to leave town.

I.... I can't leave yet. Too many people walking around.
It's Halloween y/n says, wear a costume and blend in with the outsiders. I........

Footstep approach it's Rory.... Bella, can we talk..... alone?

Bella looks up, looks at y/n... uh

It's ok y/n says... I'll be here.

Rory and Bella walk around the corner.

Listen Bella, what I said earlier was harsh, I think you need to tell father.

No I cannot.... Bella shouts.

Hush, Rory says in a tone that scares Bella.

I am telling father tonight.... At the Halloween party. You better be there.

I.... I.... Bella studders

Rory leans in close to Bella be there or else...

Rory walks right past me and rolls his eyes.
Y/n, Rory you are not going to shame Bella.

I already have.... Rory says with a smug look.

Annoyed y/n clenches their fist, Bella puts her arm around y/n. Don't. She whispers, as Rory walks across the road and walks around the corner heading towards town hall.

Bella have you packed?

I have my bag and my mothers photo, I need to do one more thing I'll see you later y/n. She starts to run down the street and across to the cemetery.

Dumpling x the Sanderson sisters. (Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now