1. together

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When Harry met Draco in their first year at Hogwarts, he thought Draco was a show-off and a big snob. But little did he know that -when they were much older- they would be everything to each other. In love. And together.

The honeymoon phase of the relationship was long over, but still, they were inseparable. They would spend every waking moment with each other, if Ron and Hermione weren't interrupting them.

"Bloody hell, can you both just QUIT IT!" Ron would shout at the happy couple as they were snogging on the couch.

"Ronald, shhh, let's all just watch the film!" Hermione would say in a hushed voice.

"If they keep eating face ALL THE TIME, they can find new roommates!"

"I'm allowed to kiss my boyfriend, Ron." Harry would say and roll his eyes.

"There are limits to that privilege!" 


But Harry did understand Ron's annoyance, as he probably felt just as Harry did when Ron was snogging Lavender Brown in their sixth year.

There was a loud SLAP as a paper slammed against the table of the roommates' kitchen.

"What's this?" Harry asked Ron as he picked up the paper Ron slammed in front of Harry.

"There's a house a few blocks away, two bedrooms, one bathroom."


"We're moving." Ron said with no trace of humor in his voice. This was serious.

"Er, okay, I'll tell Draco to start packing, I guess?"

"No need, you're not coming with us."


"I am tired of you two little leeches! We're getting the hell out of here."

"You can't just leave, Ron! I thought we were going to live together longer than four months!"

"Yeah, me too, mate. But me and 'Mione need our space, and so do you two."

Harry got out of his seat and began pacing the room. Ron looked at him with utter remorse.

"I'm really sorry for not telling you sooner, Harry, but I think it's time."

Hermione came in the room and gave Harry a hug.

"Oh, Harry, I'm sorry." She whispered into his shoulder.

"What's going on?" Draco asked as he peered into the room.

"They're moving, Draco" Harry said with a sad look in his normally cheerful green eyes.


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