Chapter 10

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Warning, down below is an unedited chapter. Read with your own risk. This is the second chapter that I released today.

I hope you guys like it.

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Kurt told me there was a party at the resort nearby. He warns me not to go outside fearing that someone might recognize me despite the many nights that I've been camping outside with only a see through tent, a bed and my guitar beside me. It's been so long since I saw the night sky this clear and it calms me down, makes me forget about my real life.

"Noted," I tell him as I head to my room. If I can't go outside of this beach house, I might as well watch the view in my balcony. I begin to strum a new lyric-less song that I was able to concoct ever since two days ago but I can't find the right words to fill the gaps.

This feeling of powerlessness makes me quiver inside and I throw my guitar on the cushioned chair next to me and a memory escapes me. Abigail wasn't my girlfriend. She was just a hook up I met at a friend's bar after doing an impromptu show for his favour. She was nice enough to offer me some feedback or more like, she criticized the way I sang my song.

"It lacks emotion," she tells me while rid herself of her English accent. I was pissed so I told her to enlighten me and she did.

She started by again, criticizing my techniques and starts to offer different kinds of suggestion. Then we became friends and I started bringing her to the studio and anywhere I went. What I didn't know was that she was actually married to a musician herself. What I didn't know was the paparazzi had caught on and was blinded by the fact that she was nearing a divorce. What I didn't know was that I had ruthless fans. What I wasn't expecting was what was coming after that, the car accident and Abigail's bloodied body in the hospital. But what I do know is the fact that it all happened less than seven months ago

I hear music blaring from nearby snapping me back to reality. I cautiously peek outside but there's no one near our area. Then I remember there's a party going on. A party huh? I haven't been to one for a while now. Kurt left an hour ago to fetch a package from Mom. He'll be back by tomorrow and with this in mind, I can't help but be tempted to go there besides, no one would recognize me anyways.

I open the closet in my room but I don't have any clothing to wear for the party, but then again, only Ronan Stone's sense of style is missing, not Keith's. I grab a red V-neck sweater and put on some black pants. There's a vacant car in the garage, Kurt's prized Camaro. I'm lucky he left the keys or else I would have to walk myself to get there.

By the time, I arrive, the party's already started and I'm looking for an empty lot to park the car. There's only one empty slot left but I'm amazed that it's beside a Camaro. Not just any Camaro, though. It's actually identical to the one I'm driving right now. My gut's telling me that it would be a bad idea to park it beside an identical car but I'm itching to get inside and have a bit of fun. Maybe this party will ease up my tensions.

I park it anyways and head inside but not before I put on some shades. There's a bouncer outside and there's a line too. Someone up front, a guy with blonde hair, is holding a black card and he flashes it to the bouncer. The bouncer lets him in with his group of friends and I easily join them from behind. I'm glad they didn't notice me because as soon as we entered, I quickly left their group.

Well that was easy, I think to myself as I sum up the whole party. It's an evening beach party with a Hawaiian punch. There are two different bars and I think the bar inside is exclusive cause that's where the blonde guy directly went. The lot of them there are wearing formal clothes, dresses and suits while the ones in this side are either mixed up or wearing bikinis and trunks.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2015 ⏰

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