Chapter 9

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I can't sleep properly because I miss my bed, my room, my stuffs- my old life. My room was more than I expected but even with its splendor, it was lacking with a lot of things that's why I try to sleep in a makeshift bed on the floor. It's been two days already but even the floor hasn't satisfied me.

I check my phone for the time. It's already 4 in the morning and I've barely slept a wink. I'm too tired to think and too tired to move but I have to. I push myself to take hold of a pillow and a blanket before forcing myself to go downstairs. If I can't sleep inside this room, maybe I'd have a better chance in the living room. After setting the pillow down, I throw my body on the cold couch before draping myself with the blanket. Finally, sleep has taken over my body and I feel everything lighten down.

By the time I wake up, someone's shaking me by the shoulder. My eyes are still heavy but I force it to open. I see Dad's hand holding my shoulder but his face is directed to someone else. "Wait, I'll wake her up," he says.

"Dad?" I mutter.

"Morning, Cupcake. PJ's here for you," he says. PJ- which stands for Peter and John- that's what he usually calls them. They don't really like being called PJ but that's an acceptable nickname rather than P and J or worse, Peanut butter and Jelly. My dad's got a thing for nicknames and I like mine unlike Amber who dad calls as Apple.

I fix myself up just when the boys let themselves in. Dad's already disappeared upstairs to work on his stuffs. His company won't need him until next week but Dad's a workaholic and he likes to be on the move so it's quite rare for him to stay put for more than twenty minutes. "Nice outfit," Peter remarks as soon as I turn to the both of them.

"Hi, Grace, sorry to wake you up," John apologizes as he takes his shades off.

I ran a hand through my seemingly messed up hair, conscious at the fact that the two of them are dressed like their going somewhere. "What do you want, guys? I'm pretty much you're not here to take me somewhere."

"Uhh...that's the thing- I mean the thing is," Peter tries to find the right words. I raise an eyebrow. "Remember Marsha?"

"Marsha Federicks?" I asked. I remember Marsha. She had a huge crush on John, well if I remember correctly, every girl in Hadenton has or had a crush on the both of them and Marsha was no exception but Peter and Marsha hated each other to the very core.

"Yeah, her," Peter nods. "It's her birthday today and we forgot to tell you that she invited you, too."

Peter knows me too well and before I say no he tells me that Marsha won't accept it. Okay, now I completely remember Marsha.  I was nine then when a blonde girl pushed me just after John gave me an ice cream and because of that, I accidentally dropped it then the next day, she started befriending me like nothing happened. Oh yeah...that Marsha.

I shake my head twice and hold a hand up. "Wait. Since when did the two of you become chummy?" I asked him.

Peter holds both of his hands up high in defense, "You've got the wrong guy! John and Marsha started dating a year ago."

My attention turned to John and I almost jumped in sheer amusement. "No way, since when?"John and Marsha! Ha! I knew they'd hit it off! OH MY GOD! Why didn't anyone tell me.

"A month after class started, actually," John tries to reprise a blush as he locks his attention on his sunglasses. "I disappeared for a few years and no one even tells me that John has a boyfriend," I give a sarcastic laugh. I swallow the sad and lonely lump inside my throat before continuing on. "So when's it starting?"

"It doesn't formally start until seven but everyone's supposed to be there as early as six," John informs me while handing me an invitation card. "The party's not exclusive but if you have that card, you'll get special treats." I study the small card. It has a shiny black background of a starry night sky with Marsha's name on it in gold.

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