Chapter 6

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The performance ended spectacularly and everything went according to plan. Just three weeks ago, he was informed of this sudden gig from a famous radio company. He was going to open the concert for them but he had to go through three weeks of gruesome training. Ronan can still hear the sound of the audience cheering for him, asking for another round of encore. He already sung them two additional songs and it still wasn't enough. The production team had to go out of their way in order to calm the crowd up for the next artist's performance.

"Ronan," someone calls out to him. It was the radio's main DJ, Arthur. The guy who requested for him to be the opening act after One Republic bailed out because of their conflicting schedules. "You were great out there, man!"

"Thanks," he tells him while catching his breath,

"You should visit the studio next week. It'd be really cool if you'll be our surprise guest," he suggests.

Ronan didn't know how to reply to this but thankfully, his dad appeared. "Ronan's busy for the whole month," his Dad informs Arthur. Ronan looks up, confused before remembering their previous conversation. His Dad winks at him before placing a hand behind Arthur and leading him away. When it comes to business, his Dad always makes it a point to talk to the manager first. Luckily, both of his parents were his official managers. But right now, Ronan thinks he's saving him from doing something stupid as a dad.

"Nice performance, kid!"Kurt, his dad's personal assistant hands him a towel and a bottle of water.

He nods a few times in agreement and the adrenaline that went on fire inside of him while he was on stage makes him smile. Damn, that was a really good performance, he thought to himself before chugging down the water and draining it.

He couldn't believe himself that he was able to easily pull it off. He couldn't even believe that he was so tired he drank half of the one litre bottle of water. "Where's Mom?" he asks him.

"She's in the bus and you should know that they're all waiting for you."

The both of them exit the backstage and head out to the parking lot where Big Black, the nickname he gave to his own bus was already waiting for them. When he enters, his Mom is there to greet him with a hug. "I watched the performance, great job!"

"Thanks, Mom," Ronan tells her while reminding him that if he wasn't able to pull it off, then he was going to lose the whole bet between him and his parents.

His Mom pulls away from him and claps her hand. Behind her three of his stylists are already ready with their "We have three hours to change Ronan Stone into someone else."

She suddenly pulls her son to a chair in front of a large mirror before directing her stylists. While she's busy talking to them, he takes this opportunity to grab his earphones and lets the music drown him. Hours later, someone pulls the earphones out of his ears and shakes him up. "Ronan, wake up," his Mom lightly slaps his face.

When he opens his eyes, he couldn't even believe what he was seeing. He pushed himself closer into the mirror so he could evaluate and study the changes they had done.

His hair was completely blonde in every angle, a darker shade that almost looked like caramel. It was so different and far from his natural brown hair. It was also cut and made shorter. Even though the hair was the only thing that was definitely changed, Ronan was a whole new different person inside the mirror.

"Take this off," his Mom pulls of his leather jacket while Sam, one of the stylists hands his mom a blue button down polo. Ronan takes it and wears it on top of his black shirt. He doesn't button it and two of the stylists begin to fold the sleeves for a three-fourth. "Ronan, for two months, this is how you will have to dress up. I don't want to see you in any leather because that's Ronan Stone. But from now on, you're going to be Keith Pierson and Keith Pierson never wears leather. Stick that to your head and you'll be fine."

"Noted," he nods towards her.

His mom studies his son and a tear almost escapes her eyes. She fights it off. "Just to be sure, let's go over the plan one more time."

The six of them gather around the bus' twin couch before studying the plan again. For two months, he's going to live as a guy named Keith and he will have to stay in a secret summer house in Hadenton Island with Kurt. Once or twice a week, his stylists will deliver different sets of clothes for him to wear. He can also phone them in case he needs any advice on what to wear. Clothing is essentially a must that's why he should be careful on what to wear.

After going through the technicalities, they go through the do's and the don'ts. After the two month vacation, he will have to go back to L.A. immediately would no excuses. He's not allowed to sing in front of anyone nor is he allowed to mention or carry any valuables of his real life. Not even his parent's pictures. He isn't allowed to contact any of Ronan's associates and so they gave him a different phone with only a handful of important numbers stored in it.

Once his dad arrived, they take him to a private port where a boat is already waiting for them. Ronan jumps into the boat while Kurt trails him from behind. Before they leave, he waves them good bye and lets the sea's windy night engulf him for a new life.

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