Chapter 7

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I'm finally entering college next month and I'm super happy. This truly inspired me to complete this chapter but that's not all...

So far, I've been able to write seven chapters (YAY!) within two and a half weeks but I wouldn't have been able to come this far if it wasn't for my wonderful and supportive readers [YOU ;)]

I would also like to extend my thanks towards two of my ever supportive readers, @_cynical and @pegacornhalo, for inspiring and motivating me. This chapter is dedicated to the both of you.

All of my chapters so far are unedited and I am truly sorry for my grammars and mistakes. Now, off you go, spread your wings and keep on reading.

Thank you.xxxoooxxx



We planned to leave the house with no caution. No 'by the ways' and no goodbyes were exchanged and because of that, I had a heavy feeling while I was packing my things. I packed everything that I could but at the last minute, I convinced myself that if I wanted a new life, I don't need to bring anything that would remind me of the past.

I packed my books, my gadgets, my magazines, my art, my pictures and paintings and some of the clothes that I liked. Anything that was genuinely important to me that wouldn't remind me of the past. Daddy told me that I should do Mom and Amber a favour and just pack everything. He wanted us to leave nothing behind, to just disappear without a trace. I did put it into consideration but instead, I packed everything that I don't need into a separate bag and sent them to Goodwill as my last gift to them.

 But there are some things that you just can't leave behind like those friendly letters and those memorable pictures. I placed them inside an old shoebox, taped it up and left it without a title or a mark and just let the men throw it inside the big truck.

We hired Ant Mover's Service Company to deliver it for us on Tuesday, three days before we departed. Some of the neighbours were sceptical but we covered it up saying that we were just renovating the house and we were sending them inside a storage unit. By Thursday, the divorce the technicalities of the divorce were settled but it wasn't essentially final. "It's a long process but for now, we've signed what we could," Daddy told me.

Mom get's to keep the house and the lands here in Chester Valley as well as her salon and boutique. The legal custody was no question. Mom never even wanted me so she easily gave me up to my Dad. There was no battle and as much as Dad wanted to get Amber, Amber chose to stay with Mom.

All of these confusing feelings building inside me kept me awake for most of the night. Knowing that I couldn't even tell my friends that I'm leaving left me broken until I found the courage to open my website. I post a lot of things in my website. Photos are particularly numerous and some of my friends keep up with my posts. I wanted to write an open letter but then this would just alert everyone. Instead, I used Robert Frost's famous poem 'The Road Not Taken',

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both

And be one traveler, long I stood

And looked down one as far as I could

To where it bent in the undergrowth;

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