Chapter 1

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Be Your Everything

Lauren POV

It was a late Friday afternoon and we were coming home from our day at Magic Mountain. I sat in the second back row of our 15 seater van and rested my head on the window.

"Hey Lauren..." I heard Nick say behind me.

"Yeah?" I asked, turning around.

"I feel sick," he mumbled.

My eyes widened and I quickly grabbed the empty paper bag on the floor of the van. I gave it to him and he threw up.

I saw Lisa in the front seat next to Mum, start to video herself. "We're coming home from Magic Mountain and Nick just threw up. Mum's having a great time, aren't you Mum?" she said, pointing the Iphone at Mum and Mum just laughed. She then turned Mum's Iphone to the rest of us behind her.

I turned to help Nick out and passed him his water bottle. "Are you okay now?"

"Yeah," he answered

"Why are you videoing?" Christina blurted when she noticed Lisa pointing the Iphone at the rest of us.

"Okay well I'll talk to you guys soon! Bye!" Lisa smiled and turned off the video.

Amy was next to Nick reading her book, Dani was in the row in front of her listening to Big Time Rush on her iPod, Katherine was texting on her phone and everyone else was listening to the radio. I rested my head on the window again and tried not to fall asleep.

"Okay guys, if I was a genie and could grant you one wish. What would you wish for?" Christina asked, looking up from her phone.

"My own moose," Lisa blurted out

"Lifetime supply of earphones," Alex laughed

"To have my own private library with a variety of amazing books," Amy said, closing her book but putting her hand in between the pages she was reading.

"For you to dye your mustache purple," Katherine laughed turning to face Christina

"You look like a bald man in the morning. Just kidding! All the time," Christina replied

"Hmm... That made sense," Kath said, giving Christina a wink.

"We're going to stop by the supermarket before we head home," Mum said when we stopped at a stop light.

Everyone agreed except Christian next to me who was fast asleep. I looked out my window, at the houses we passed and before I knew it, I was sleeping as well.

Christina POV

"Christina are you talking to Nick?" Little Nick asked me during dinner.

"Yep," I answered, putting some mashed potato onto my spoon.

"Can you please ask him when he's coming over next? I want him to come to one of my soccer games," Nick said, taking a sip from his cup of water.

"Sure Nick. I bet he'll love to come to one of your games," I smiled, ruffling his hair.

"Isn't that new family moving into number 22 tomorrow?" Dani asked

"A new family? Do they have a son? Is he cute?" Lauren blurted out

"That's it, get in the basement! Now!" Lisa said pointing out of the room

"We don't have a basement," Lauren replied

Lisa looked around the room then back to Lauren. "Fine, I'll just sit on your head for a few months,"

"I think I'll have to pass on that one... Thanks for the offer though," Lauren laughed and so did we.

I looked around the table and at all the smiling faces of my family. I have been blessed with such a loving and caring family. And I thank God everyday for them and for our very supporting CimFam.

"Who's turn is it to wash the dishes?" Mike asked, putting his fork and spoon together on one side of his plate.

All of us pointed to each other when Alex finally gave in. "I'll wash them," Alex offered

"Thanks Alex," we all exclaimed.

We all brought our plates to the kitchen sink and all went to our separate parts of the house and got ready for bed. It was a long day and we all needed a good night's sleep.

Before I went to sleep I checked my phone and found a new message from Nick.

"Hey Christina. I'll be coming by this week and I'd love to come to one of Little Nick's games. Good night beautiful

I smiled as I read his text. Nick always got along with my family and especially my siblings. They all liked him and I knew I chose the right guy.

I texted Nick back while Amy and Kath were already fast asleep.

"That's great! Can't wait to see you and I bet the family can't wait either! I miss you. Good night sweetie

I turned off my phone and dozed right to sleep.

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