Prologue 4: The Clown And The Commandments Vs The Goddess Race Part 2

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No One's P.O.V

After that beating Tarmiel by Tricky, Derieri and Galand. We now cut off and See Ludociel and Nerobasta in a white Room. Getting the last member of the 4 Archangles.

Nerobasta: she's nearly here now Sir Ludociel.

Ludociel: Excellent with my Sister in gets here we might have a chance to beat that green Demon.

Nerobasta: by the way do you somehow feel that he's not fully part Demon Sir Ludociel?

Ludociel: hmm. What do you mean?

Nerobasta: Well I can sense he's not just a Demon he also part Human.

Ludociel: WHAT?! That's impossible dose that mean that he was resurected by The Demon King hi. Self?!

Nerobasta: I'm sure Sir Ludociel. What should we do.

Ludociel: I'm going back out there and help Sariel and Tarmiel to fight The Demon Race. And you keep on guard from that portal to The Heaven Gate.

Nerobasta: as you wish Sir Ludociel.

And so Ludociel has got back to the fight and that just left with Nerobasta alone and she looked at the Portal.

Nerobasta(Mind): Miss Mylene please help us.

(That's right I give the Fem Mael a name but don't worry I'll think of a fem name for estarossa as well. Or you guys can help me suggest me a name for her. That be great anyway on to the story.)

And then Nerobasta heard someone behind her when she turned around to keep an eye out. It was Ludociel.

Ludociel: There's something I forgot to tell you.

Nerobasta: Sir! Yes? What was it you forgot? Something important?

Ludociel: Just in case, I want you to summon our backup now and have them stand by.

Nerobasta: Oh. Yes Sir.

And then we see pinkish electricity was behind Nerobasta head.

Ludociel: As powerful as we are it will be something of a chore to battle the Ten Commandments.

Nerobasta: I will open the gate immediately and then request backup Sir.

And that magic that was behind Nerobasta was a Illusion magic cast by one of the members of the Ten Commandments but the one that Y/N has never met before. He has dark pink hair and has glasses and a red and white jacket his name is Gowther.

 He has dark pink hair and has glasses and a red and white jacket his name is Gowther

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Gowther: Let's make our way to the gate of the Celestial Realm together.

Nerobasta: Yes Sir Ludociel.

Meanwhile At The Battle Field

Now we see Tricky, Derieri and Galand have knokout Tarmiel one of the 4 Archangles. So it was only Sariel left to take out. We see Sariel flying around Monspeet. Monspeet was dodging Sariel's Attacks and then Monspeet then lost some fabric and some of his blood.

The Undead Clown of The Demon Race (Seven Deadly Sins X Tricky Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now