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Hey guys so I need some feed back on ways you'd like the story to go along the way. BTW Ciel's a demon and only Sebastian and Undertaker knows this until later in the story.
Also later on I will have Undertaker tell his 'real name' which will be (F/G/N) which means Favorite Guy Name and (F/L/N) which means Favorite Last Name so you get to choose a name you like for him mainly cause not everyone likes the name Adrian Craven so choose one you like and way later on you will see (P/N) And it stands for Pet Name where you choose a pet name for yourself and/or for Undertaker.

U.T. "hehehe what was that dearie?"

Me "shhhh just read the story Undertaker!"

U.T. "I have a funner idea. Hehehe."*does rape face*

Me *blushes and gets worried* "okay gotta run!!!"

U.T. "hehehe. You won't get far."

The Dark Of Night (Undertaker x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now