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Kudo Shinichi

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"Y/n? Are you leaving right now?" Shinichi asked as he peered out the hallway to see you at the door putting your shoes on.

"Yeah, I've taken a break for a week so I need to get back to work." You replied leaning on towards Shinichi and kissing his cheek.

"I have to work today so I'll see you in the afternoon. Be careful on your way, there have been many kidnapping occurring around the area."

"Don't worry, I'll be okay. I'll be leaving now, love you!"

You kissed him one last time before grabbing your keys and heading out the front door. Two of your body guards were already waiting for you in front of the car.

They opened the back car door and began driving to the office. You were busy on your phone and signing papers on your lap when you started to realized that the car haven't accelerated in a while.

"What's the problem? Why aren't we moving?"

"I apologize miss, traffic seems to be taken place and will take us a while to get to the office."

"Is there another road we can take to get there?"

"We'll find one, miss."

The car started to move again and you went back onto doing your own thing. After a few minutes of working you picked up on how quiet the street was. It alerted you for some reason.

You placed you papers to the side and looked out the window. The car suddenly stopped making you snap your head to the front.

"What's the matter? Why did you stop the car?"

"Miss, don't leave the car."

The one in the passenger's seat exited the car, his hand on the load gun on,his belt. You looked over to the take a peak but the one sitting on the driver's prohibited you.

You were about to say something when you both heard gunshots. "Get down miss! Don't exit the car!" He yelled before leaving the car with a gun in hand.

You quickly covered your head as you got down, reaching over to a small compartment that had a pocket knife and a small hand gun. Shinichi had suggested you to keep that near you at all times on case something bad happened.

"Grab her! She's in the car!!"

The door to the car opened and you immediately aimed the gun towards the man who opened the car door. The bullet hit the man's shoulder making him cry in pain and take steps back from the car.

You took the opportunity to unlock the other door you were leaning against and scurried away from the car. Bullets were fired towards you but none of them hit you.

You noticed they were aiming towards the floor, meaning to do minor injuries to you. You immediately caught on that they didn't want to dead, they wanted you alive.

Aiming the gun at their direction again, you pulled the trigger and ran behind a wall. 'D*mmit.. where's the exit?' You mentally cursed scanning the streets carefully.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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