- ', When He's Clingy ꒱ ↷

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Kudo Shinichi

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You woke up to your alarm ringing non-stop. A loud groan escaped your lips as you tried to reach for it but something was holding you back.

You rubbed your eyes with the palm of your hand and looked down to see Shinichi with his arms wrapped around your waist and his head rested on your chest.

Your cheeks reddened and felt your heart slightly beat faster. You steadied your breath and slowly pulled yourself away from the sleeping detective, trying your best not to move much to wake him up.

After successfully escaping his grasp, you tip-toed to the bathroom to wash up. You had important issues to solve at the company and you didn't want to delay it for another day.

You quickly got dressed in a right black skirt, a white button-down shirt and a black suit lapels.

You exited the bathroom and was startled by Shinichi already awake and sitting up, looking at you with sleepy eyes.

"Huh? You're going to work early?" He yawned, pulling the covers away from him and getting out of bed.

"Yeah, we're having trouble with the financial stability of the company and I can't let it go deeper than it has already got." You replied as he stood in front of you.

Without a warning, he pulled you closer to him and wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face on your neck and shoulder.

He inhaled the scent of your perfume. The floral fragrance made him feel at ease and relaxed, especially when he was stressed out by work.

"Can't your work wait?" He asked tightened his grip.

"I'm sorry but it can't. Don't you have work as well?"

He shook his head as in no. "I have a day off today so I thought we could spend the entire day together."

You pulled away and gave him a quick kiss. "How about when I come back we can spend the rest of the day together. Yeah?"


You nodded and kissed his cheek. "I'll be done with work as soon as possible."

You stepped out of the house and started the car. You didn't get to eat breakfast so once you got inside the company you got your a hot coffee.

"How's the financial management going?"

"Not so good, boss. There's a meeting with the Shintani Company is at 12:30 PM. They might be able to help us."

"Very well. Have arrangements for the meeting room thirty minutes early and set everything up for their arrival."

"Right away. Anything else?"

"Do what I asked and I'll inform you if I have anything for you."

"Yes boss."

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