- ', How You Two Met ꒱ ↷

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Kudo Shinichi

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"These are the three suspects, Kudo." Inspector Megure said bringing in three men into the room.

"Were there any witnesses?" Shinichi asked observering the suspects in front of him.

"No-" Inspector Megure was interrupted by Takagi bursting into the room.

"Inspector! A young woman came in claiming she witnessed the murder incident."

"Bring her in." Shinichi ordered making Takagi nod.

A few minutes later, Takagi came back with the witness. She stepped inside the room and pushed her hair back as she looked around with her eyes.

Shinichi's eyes widened at the girl's visuals. She was a high school student just like him. (H/l) (h/c) hair that was soft and silky, smooth fair skin, (e/c) colored eyes that stared intensely at anyone.

"Have a seat please." Inspector Megure said as he pointed at the chair in front of the girl.

She nodded and sat in front of the Inspector while Shinichi was standing up, still amazed at the beauty of the young girl.

"State your name."

"(L/n) (Y/n)."

"Would you mind telling us what you saw last night."

"I don't mind. But wouldn't you want me to tell you who out of the three men is the culprit?"

"You mean you know who it is?!"

"Of course I know! He's been planning that revenge on my uncle for months now." You said rolling your eyes as you leaned back on the chair.

"Uncle?!" Both Shinichi and Megure exclaimed.

"Y-your the neice of the president of the L/n company?!" Shinichi stuttered in shock.

"The one and only." You smirk.

"L/n..you said the culprit has been planning it for months now. Why didn't you report it?"

"My uncle didn't want a scandal to start. I inherited everything from him in which the culprit didn't know. He murdered my uncle and I was able the see the scene in front of me."

"And he did it for revenge..why?"

"He was working as my uncle's personal assistant. The money he was getting paid was enough to pay his financial debts but unfortunately, he was being greedy and decided to steal from the company. In a few days my uncle caught him and fired him, he also took back all the money he stole from his bank account. Leading him back in his debts."

"So he killed him to get the money."

"Humans are greedy and heartless creatures that when they see someone from a higher status, they want to end it. Isn't that right...Masaru-san."

There gazes all turned to the man in the middle who was handcuffed and was looking down, not meeting the intense glare you gave him.

"You know," You stood up the chair and walked up to him, "I advise you to not say such things like that inside of my company."

You smirked seeing his terrified expression. Your turned around to face the two men in shock.

"If that's all, I'll take my leave now. I have things to do in the company." You said walking out the door as you flipped your hair back.

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