The End

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(3rd POV....)

Billy would visit Stu and his kids everyday after school. Billy and Stu started bond more and more which ended up with Stu confessing his feelings for him and Billy accepted and they started dating secretly because they had a plan to kill their friends and Sidney Prescott.

Normal friends at school but after school, they're a couple, taking care of their kids and also murdering people one by one. Every time after they come back from killing a person, they would cuddle together and one, two or all of their kids would come in and cuddle too because they had nightmares or something like that.

When Stu and Billy told their kids, Billy was their father, they were happy, crying happy tears, hugs, and everything. Billy and Stu were crying with them too and smiling and everything.

Billy and Bonnie would got along really well because Billy would help Bonnie with her anger, Billy has the same anger as Bonnie, so they would help each other instead breaking things in the house. Stu smiles when he see them together.

When they were in the final stage of their plan, they put the kids to sleep and locked the doors in Stu's house while the party happened. They killed Tatum and Randy, cornered Sidney in the kitchen then, killed her and her father, framed the father and got away, Scott free.

When they graduated from high school, they moved out of Woodsboro with their kids and moved to a big house, Danny is going to Elementary school (2nd grade), Bonnie is in Middle school (7th grade), Sammy is in preschool. Stu was crying on Sammy first day while Billy was hugging Stu and patting his back.

Billy and Stu have been dating for two years until Billy proposed to Stu on the Beach. Stu cried and accepted. They had a beautiful wedding, Sammy being the flower girl, Danny giving them the rings, all beautiful. They were cutting cake, doing toast until Stu announce that he was 38 weeks pregnant. 

Billy cried and hugged Stu. Billy and Stu found out they were having another girl and they were going to name her Carrie Loomis. 

Stu had the baby, she was beautiful, had Billy face, eyes shape but Stu's eye color and everything else.

Carrie is goofy and shy at the same but she was loved the same as every other kid Billy and Stu had.

Billy and Stu lived a happy and lovely life forever 😍😊 (but they still kill people secretly when people disrespect them or their kids 🙂😏🔪📍)......


Hope you enjoy my story, please read my other ones bye!!!!!


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