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(3rd POV....)

Bonnie holding Sammy and Danny are walking towards Woodsboro high school to look for their Mama. Once they get into the school, they went to the principal's office, "Hi Mr.Himbry, we were wondering if you could call down our big brother down here?" Danny asked. "Sure, what's his name?" Principal Himbry asked. "Stu Macher." Bonnie replied. Himbry nodded and turned on the microphone that's connected to the school's speakers.

(Stu's POV.....)

I'm sitting in English class, the teacher is giving us free time because it's almost the end of the period, so I'm just talking to Tatum until the Principal came over the speaker system, "Stu Macher, please come to the office, your little siblings are here." Principal Himbry said over the speaker. 

I look confused for a moment before realizing, 'MY KIDS ARE HERE IN THE SCHOOL!?!?!' I thought while my eyes widen. "You have little siblings?" Tatum asked, confused. "Yeah, I'll be right back." I replied before getting my stuff and run to the office.

I get to the office and walked to Himbry room and opened the door. I see Bonnie, Danny, and Sammy in Bonnie's arms, "Thank you, Mr. Himbry." I said. He only nodded. I walked out his office with the kids, "What are you you three doing here?" I asked, confused. "We missed you." Bonnie replied with a pout. 

I sighed and nodded. I heard the bell ring and walked out the office with my kids to my locker where Tatum is at, "Hey Stu, who are they?" Tatum asked while looking at the kids. "These are my little siblings, Bonnie, Danny, and Sammy." I replied, pointing at each of them. "Oh, hi there." Tatum greeted them with a wave and small smile.

I see Sidney and Billy walk over and my eyes widen, 'oh on, not yet...' I thought in despair. Sidney noticed the kids and said, "Hey, who are they?" Sidney asked, confused.

(Billy POV...)

"Hey, who are they?" I heard Sidney asked in confusion. I look to see what she's talking about and saw three kids and one looks exactly like me. "This is Bonnie," Stu started while pointing at the one that looks like. "This is Danny," Stu continued while pointing at the boy.  "And this is Sammy." Stu finished while pointing at the baby in Bonnie's arms.

Sidney nods and waves at them while smiling politely. I see Bonnie looking at me, curiously. I look back at her and smirked a little which made her look away.

I heard the bell ring signaling next period is about to start. I looked at Stu and asked, "Can I talk to you at your house after school ends?". Stu nods and I walked away.

(Stu's POV....)

'Oh god, this is too much..." I thought. "Alright, lets go, come on." I said to the kids and took hold of their hands and walked to my next class.


Hope you enjoy!!!

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