1-Stripes, Fangs, and a lil Hostility

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Ashanti woke up in rags. Her clothes were torn, even shredded in some places, with dirt and dried blood splotched on her clothes, skin, and hair. She had no memory of how she had gotten so rough around the edges. But that was usually the case.
It was always some high strung idiot or narcissistic bastard with a hero complex running at her with some "magical sword" that was destined to pierce her heart and free the burdened humans from her tyrannical reign. Which, in and of itself, was hilarious sense she didn't take control of her underlings in the first place. Yes, she was the theoretical mother of all shifters, but she had no part in their behavior. When she first turned into a shifter, she had an uncontrollable urge to bite anyone she came in contact with. And she did. Before she knew it, shifters were sprouting all around the world, causing all sorts of mayhem. But that was fine with her. None of her own kind ever challenged her because of her might and none of them ever formed a "pack" with her either. She found it to be a rather lonely position. But alone time was never a bad thing in her mind.

She yawned and looked up into the shielded night sky, a New Moon tonight. She wondered what time of year it was and how long she slept this time. Decades seemed to be going by much slower nowadays.
Bushes shaking 100meters away had Ashanti's ears perked. It wasn't the usual jungle predator scowling around, looking for its midnight meal. It was a slight shake, one that hardly unsettled the forest. But the cold air the beast brought was chilling, even to Ashanti. She stood up and stretched her legs, ready for a fight. Her back arched, her toes and fingers spread apart and clenched back together effortlessly, and her back sprouted a tiger's tail that lashed back and forth. She prowled on all fours, ready to attack at any given moment. Her dark brown skin flowed effortlessly with the rich soil and provided excellent cover for her stalking.
The beast seemed to sense her, even with her predatory habits having kicked in. Ashanti became much more excited. She had heard small whispers here and there of there being other Ancient Ones besides herself. One with great white wings, another with blood red and black. A woman, unlike herself, with the most beautiful of faces, pale skin, rose red hair, and magic beyond belief who seemed to entertain herself with messing with humans. And the last was what was called a vampire. Ashanti knew the name of that one because her children and the blood sucker's often intruded upon each others territory. Ashanti found it rather hilarious, seeing as how they were the closest to humans.
Ashanti's lack of concentration almost sent her flying 300feet away if she hadn't have been so skilled at dodging attacks. The beast was a ravishing one. He stood at a good 6'5ft with long jet black hair and snow white skin. He looked like a marble statue that was carved with the most delicate of hands. His hair rustled in the wind as Ashanti went to strike back, but she stopped at the very last moment and retreated a few steps. This man was most definitely one of the rumored Ancient Ones. He gave off a smell of old dirt, mint, and bamboo. But that was not the reason Ashanti stopped her attack. Something at the back of her mind told her not to hurt him and that same part of her became overcome with ravenous lust. Ashanti backed away farther and saw just how much of a beauty this man was.
His long midnight colored hair reached below his tight bottom and accentuated his height. His pale skin contrasted drastically from his black hair and his grey eyes were deep, powerful, and filled with utter sadness. He seemed to regard Ashanti in a distasteful regard that left her unwanted. But Ashanti's personality would not allow her to simply ignore the disdainful look.
Ashanti looked the fellow Ancient in the eye, gave a sigh of disappointment, turned and flicked her tail at him, and pounced into the forest while simultaneously changing into her tiger form.
Shang Li was slightly taken aback. The shifter he encountered was so...ferocious looking. Her wild and kinky hair floated around her like a mane, but her graceful steps contrasted her looks. In an odd way, she was utterly dazzling. Shang Li thought such a creature could never exist. And for some odd and unexplainable reason, he felt drawn to the giant cat. When she flicked her tail and bid her adieus, he mad a split second decision to follow her, to the ends of the world if needed, if only just to get her acquaintance.
Shang Li bounded after her, and followed blindly for 200miles, even when spouts of electricity lit up the night sky in the West with no visible storm around. And even with the occasional outline of a man with enormous wings, a woman with an umbrella, and a man with a cane all in battle lit up the night sky.

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