Part 18

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You wake up in the empty bed. So you sit up and look around. No one is there. You look at the phone and it's 11:29 so you figure out that Sadie is already up and downstairs with your mom.

You fix your hair, brush your teeth and go downstairs. Your mom and Sadie haven't heard you yet and talking. You are watching them and smile how they are working out

"Good morning" you say still with sleepy voice and go to the kitchen

"See i told you you sleep too much" Sadie says with a smile on her face

You can see that they got really close when you were sleeping so you are glad they like each other

"Ooo that's remind me. When Y/n was younger she slept after New Year the whole two days in row" Your mom says

"That's not true moom" you try to defend yourself

"Don't say anything Y/n you don't even remember what you had yesterday for lunch" Your mom starts to argue with you

"I do." You say back

"So? What did you have??" She asks


"I knew it. Don't lie to your own mom Y/n" your mom says proudly

You just groan, look at Sadie and raise your eyebrows

"What?" Sadie says confused

"Little help here??" You say

"Your mom is right" she says and smirks at you

"Thank you Sadie"

After that day you go to school together and it goes really well. Now it's time of school semester so tests are everywhere and you two don't have much time for each other

You are waiting for Sadie next to her locker. After you spot her you smile but it goes away right when she ignores you and opens her locker

"How dare you to ignore me like that" you whisper as you take her by a waist from the back.

You can feel her tense pretty much by your touch

"Y/n.. don't do this to me" she says a little qiuetly and pushes herself from you a little

She doesn't wait for answer and turns to her locker again. You are standing there in shock and disappointment

"Sadie....are you,.. are you okay?" You ask sadly and worried that something bad happened

"Yeah yeah of course" she says as closing her locker and turning around to face you

She gives you a little and quick kiss on your lips and vanishes in the crowd

You are standing there with one thought

what did you do?

You get home and go to your room. Your mind is still playing over and over again that situation with Sadie. You don't know what happened and if it has anything to do with you

After a few minutes of thinking you grab your guitar and start to playing some melody. You are playing slowly

Lately guitar is the only thing how you can clear your head and better think about your thoughts. Music is like therapy for you. You don't know how but always you start to playing it's like talking through the music

When you are finishing your melody/song you notice someone standing in the door

"You start playing again. I am glad" your mom says and smiles

But her smile fades away right when she sees your sad face

"It's been a few months" you smile weakly and try to cover your sadness

Your mom comes to you and sits next to you. She starts to rubs your back

"What's wrong Y/n? I know that face know. The past. So? What is it?"

You sigh and start

"It's just..Sadie. I know we are dating just for almost two months but when i am with her i feel like i can And i feel around her so free and that i can be someone and...I just love her. I love her so much and I don't want to loose her. She changed me mom. But today she was weird. Today we had just one lesson together so i didn't see her during school so when my school ended i waited for her next to her locker but when she got there she didn't even look at me. She seemed off. Like she wasn't there. And when i talked to her she just gave me a small and quick kiss and disappeared. I could see at her that something is wrong but i don't know what or if i did something. I don't know anything. And it's destroying me because it's feel like i am losing her." You say sadly as your eyes start to water up

Your mom pulls you into a hug

"Give her some time. Don't push her Y/n and then try talk to her. She loves you Y/n" you mom says in a hug

"But what if she doesn't. What if---"

"Don't say anything Y/n" she says and you break in tears in her arms

I have so much ideas but i don't know how to write them and it really annoys me.

I hope you like this chapter and want moreee.

:) Vote, thank you

Byeeee and have a nice day

Just Mine | Sadie Sink X Female readerWhere stories live. Discover now