Part 4

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After like 40 minutes of ride you finally reach to "your place". It's quiet road because nobody drives here so much especially at this hour. You stop by the road at "rest stop" from where is beautiful view at a river

You put your helmet off and turn to Sadie who is still quite tight wrapped around you

"Hey coward, we are here you can get of me now" you tease her

"I am not coward." She says warningly as she takes off her helmet and jumps off the bike

"Okay calm down. But really you could crush me while driving so don't tell me you weren't scared."

"Maybe a little...and sorry about that" she says shyly while looking at the ground.

"Anyways...this is place where i go when i get stressed or angry or anything and i just want to clear my head. It's way more beautiful at sunset or night but maybe next time." You say while looking at the river

At this moment you can feel her looking at you but you just pretend that you don't notice and continue to looking at veiw

After 10 minuets of just enjoying the moment in a comfortable silence you speak

"I know we don't know eachother well but ro be honest...I would like to change that. Like i think that we can create a lots of great memories together" you say still looking at the river but at the last part you look at her

She is looking at you a little shocked and happy at the same time because you want her in your future. After a few seconds you realize that maybe it wasn't the best idea say it out loud

"Just forget it i shouldn't say anythi--" you say but she cuts you off

"No, no it's not your fault i just don't know what to say. Like you are the most popular student on school. THE genius and THE basketball star and you know are That one Y/n Y/l/n. At school you are just sleeping or hanging out with popular students and talking to everyone but now i have feeling that you are just 'you', i know it sounds weird and maybe there is a reason--..or you don't want to talk about it. I will just stop talking. Yeah..."

"No you are right. At school no one knows about my private life, the truth is that I don't open up to people and that's why after school i am alone. Just me. But you....I don't know it's just different and i want to know more about you, i want to meet Sadie Sink. I want us to be friends." You say to her and then realize that you just told her something you haven't t told anyone in your life yet

She looks at you and then hugs you

"I would love to know you too" she whispers in your ear.

You stop for a moment and then you break the hug

"Uh...we should go back if we want to finish that project." You say a little nervous

She just nods and takes helmet

I think this story will be maybe more emotional don't you think? Besides i hope you enjoyed

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