No hope for a Hopeful

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  • Dedicated to Martin Sudale

"I saw him leave! What did you do Girl! You have to go to my husband and I shall let him deal with you, you worthless little piece of DIRT!" At this point she pushed me and I fell over onto the glass cabinet, leaving shards of glass sticking out of my leg- it hurt. "NOW LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! You clumsy idiot! Go now, before I lock you in the basement!" As i looked at her, I saw that look of bloodshot eyes- not afraid to kill me right here, right now.  "NOW!"

And so I limped up 4 flights of stairs to Sir's office. I'm scared.

" I swear Sir, on my own life, he said he had business to commence with!" My voice got higher as I got deeper and deeper into frustration, yet alone me being afraid.

"Swear on your life hey? You have no life to swear on! Face it, Girl, your stuck with us in this abyss of uncleaned dirt until you die! So I suggest you tell the truth before you get killed!" He gave me one vicious slap, putting all his strength behind- drawing blood on my lip, sure to leave a nasty bruise.

"I-I'm sorry sir. I-I shall got ca-call  Sir Thomas. S--s-sorry." I managed to speak through broken sobs and broken dreams. It was in this very spot that I realised that all those words that flew aimlessley from his disgusting mouth were true. I was stuck here- even if i was no use to anyone. Except the cat- Penny- she liked me. I sometimes wonder why I even bother- why I don't give in to all the pain and allow myself to die.

"No. Do not call him, what gives you the right to use the household phone? You might and go something stupid! I don't want you touching anything other than a cleaning rag and a water bucket! You are dismissed." And so I de-creased my dress and turned to leave, when I noticed that his newspaper on the desk had holes where all the pictures where.

"Sir, what have you done to your newspaper?"  It was a nonosecond after I had spoken these words that I realised that I had spoken completly out-of-hand considering the situation. I had been dismissed! I am not supposed to talk!  I knew what was coming.

I saw the cuffed hand being thrown from the desk, right into my right cheek bone. The world went black.

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