I Love You

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short chapter


Maddy's P.O.V

Life hasn't been easy lately and I wish I could say it was. I said I wasn't going to leave Y/N again and I kept that promise. But it's been hard.

I've done everything I could to show that I love her. But life always seems to get in the way. She's still affected by Royal's death. But I didn't expect anything less. It's only been two months.

But a new death hit her just as hard.


Y/N and I had the entire house to ourselves. Riley was with my mother for the night. It felt like old times. From when we first got together.

It was good to see her smile the way she was. Her son dying hit her deep and I never thought I'd see her smiling this soon. But with everything in my power I needed to be there for her. To show her that I'm here for life.

"I really appreciate you Mads. For everything you did and do for me, thank you." Y/N said.

"It's what I'm here for." I replied.

Her phone started going crazy. Texts and calls all coming through at the same time. She answered it and her face fell immediately.

She didn't say a word and just rushed out of the house. What the fuck was that about?


It's been hours. Y/N still hasn't came back. She isn't answering my calls or texts. I've never worried about her so much before in my life.

Before she left she had this look in her eye. I've seen it before. Like at the Halloween party when she got that call about Bobby.

I just wish I knew that she was okay. What could've happened to make her storm out like that?

I laid Riley down in the bed as she was sound asleep. I carefully exited the room going back downstairs.

The door swung open as Y/N came in with blood all over her. I quickly panicked before getting it together.

"Y/N what the fuck happened? Are you okay?" I asked closing the door.

"They killed him Maddy." She mumbled as she tumbled down on the floor.

"They killed who? Baby I need you to talk to me." I said wrapping her in my arms.

I didn't care about the blood anymore. If Y/N did what I think she did, this blood isn't even hers.

"Jaden. They took my brother from me." She cried.

She completely broke down. First her son and now this. Life is just so unfair to some of the some of the best people.

End Of Flashback


I've been having the hardest time getting Y/N to even smile. I'm struggling with making her happy. She literally had a mental breakdown at his funeral.

I have to force her to eat and stuff like that. I just really wish something good would happen to her so she can feel better.

I've also been wanting to talk to her about us. About working on us and getting back together but the time is never right. Her mind isn't even in the right state.

We have this unspoken feeling that we know we both aren't going anywhere but that's not enough for me. We're adults and I'd love for us to talk about it like so.

Today was actually the first day in awhile that she woke up in a better mood. You're damn right I'm gonna take advantage of it. I know she's grieving but I need to talk with her about my feelings.

"Can we talk?" I asked randomly.

"What's up?" Y/N replied.

"I know shit has been hard for you but I would really like to discuss us. I wanna work on us. I really love you Y/N and I want to be with you." I say.

"Maddy." She sighed.

Oh great, she's about to say something that I don't want to hear.

"If these past few months have taught me anything it's that I love you more than ever. Everything has been hard but you and Riley are why I'm still here. I can't keep being sad like this. Jaden would've wanted me to move forward."

"So I am. And I do agree with you. I think we should work on us so I have a question for you. Can I take you on a date?" She responded.

Wow, never mind. That is not what I expected at all. I thought she was gonna say the exact opposite of everything she just said.

"You serious?" I ask in shock.

"Yeah. We aren't perfect at all and we've been through so much shit together. But I'd rather go through this with you a million times than start over with somebody new. If I didn't know it before I know now that you're the one for me." Y/N replied.

I am completely in shock. It's like she woke up today but as a completely different person. This is not how she's been acting lately. I'm not gonna complain about it. This is exactly what I've been wanting.

"I would love to go on a date with you." I say.

And for the first time in a long time, we kissed. I've missed this feeling and I missed her. And no matter how many things life seems to throw at us. We always seem to find our way back to each other.

I have a good feeling that things will start looking up.


I think I'ma end this book soon. I'm not sure yet. But whenever I do it will be a happy ending.

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Until Next Time

I'm Not Him (Maddy Perez/You) Where stories live. Discover now