Can't Catch A Break

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"What do you mean the story of my mother?" I ask.

"She's not to be trusted. I met your mom twenty years ago. She was originally apart of Mob Piru." He starts.

My mother was for the red team. She's a damn opp and I accepted her into my house. No wonder I felt so damn off around her.

"So you mean to tell me that you've known this for the last twenty years and didn't think to mention it to me until now?" I ask.

"Y/N if I would've told you this before you probably would've tried to kill her." He responds.

"It would've been justified." I reason.

"That's not the point. Your mother and I broke hella rules back in the day all because we wanted to see each other. But if I were you I'd keep my eye on her. That side is always apart of who she is meaning it's not safe for you." He finishes.

If it's not one thing it's another. Is this where everything goes wrong? Is karma finally catching up to me for all the things I done did in these streets?

"Is that it?" I ask.

"No. You actually do have a sibling. A half sister. Your mother had her a year after having you." He says.

Damn, that woman ain't waste no fucking time getting pregnant again.

"I don't know what she looks like or where she is. You'd have to ask her about that. All I know is her name is Alexandra. She basically raised her instead of you. That's a reason why she was never around." He tells me.

Oh my mom has some fucking explains to do. She wants to catch up. I think we should.


"I'm surprised that you called so soon. I didn't think you would ever call at all to be honest." My mom says as we sat at some diner.

"Well there's a first for everything." I respond sipping on my lemonade.

"So what did you want to talk about? You sounded a little angry on the phone." She says.

"I spoke to my dad and he told me a couple things that I kind of want to clarify with you." I reply.

There's no easy way to talk about this. I think my biggest concern is what her answers are gonna be. If my fathers telling the truth then this changes so much.

"Talk to me sweetheart. What's in your mind?" She asked.

I chose to get straight to it. I don't have time to sugarcoat these questions. "Are you apart of Mob Piru?"

I hear her take a deep breath before looking at me in the eyes. "I knew he was gonna tell you this one day. That was in the past. I mean I once was. I gave that life up almost ten years ago. I don't know what exactly your father told you but I'm not here to get you or anything. I know about your affiliation with South Side but that means nothing to me. I just want to be your mother again."

I'm not sure how much of that I really believe. I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt but the doesn't mean I completely trust her. I'm still keeping an eye out like my dad said I should. After all he is the only one I trust.

"Alright you want to be a mother? Tell me about my sister, Alexandra?" I respond.

She looked shocked as if she didn't expect me to find this out one day. "Don't look all surprised. You couldn't be a true mother to me because you were to busy raising someone else. I get it now. So tell me who she is and what does she look like?"

"I, um, I have a picture of her in my wallet. You're older than her by a year. I've actually just started seeing her again like I am with you. The last five years I wasn't around her because I was in and out of rehab centers." She says.

I'm Not Him (Maddy Perez/You) Where stories live. Discover now