Gender Reveal

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Some Time Later

"Are you really reading a book?" Rue asked me.

"It's not just any book. It's about what the female body goes through during pregnancy. A lot of this shit is quite nasty honestly." I respond.

"That coma changed you. Pregnant girlfriend or not, you've never read a book in your entire life." Rue says.

"Like you have?" I chuckle.

"Fair point." She shrugs.

"I don't know. I think it's this meeting with God that she keeps talking about. She's been all spiritual and shit. I seen her ass meditating the other day." Alexa chimes in.

"It's very peaceful. But you don't know anything about peace." I reply.

"I can be peaceful." Alexa said.

"Oh yeah then why aren't you right now?" I ask with my eyes glued on to the book.

"Touché." I hear her say.

After knowing that Alexa's intentions are pure, I've started hanging around her a lot more. Maddy's kinda skeptical about it but it's not like she has anything to worry about.

Speaking of Maddy, she was out with Lexi doing who knows what. Crazy to even say that Lexi became her new best friend. She replaced Cassie for her sister.

I heard from Rue that the night of Lexi's play, Cassie caused a scene and Maddy slapped her on stage and chased her around the school. I don't know I wasn't there for obvious reasons.

What I do know is that I slapped Ash so damn hard on the back of his head when I seen him. Not saying that it's his fault but if he would've listened to Fez and I, we wouldn't have gotten shot.

I've been working out and meditating a lot since being released from the hospital. It's actually helped with my recovery.

The important thing right now though was the gender reveal party that's being held tonight. Being done and thrown by our mothers of course. Sometime during my coma, Maddy and her mom repaired their relationship.

I was low key scared as fuck to meet her mother. I mean she could've cursed me the fuck out simply because I impregnated her daughter. But she didn't.

In fact she actually likes me which surprised me. But it's a good thing. And I'm not taking that for granted.

"What are you gonna do if it's a boy?" Rue asks.

"Cry." I answer.

"And if it's a girl?" Alexa says.

"Cry harder." I reply.

The reality that I have a kid coming very soon is honestly just starting to hit me. I've been to every appointment and seen the first trimester ultrasound pictures. Honestly I ain't know what the fuck I was looking at. It was just a damn blob.

Maddy's currently in the second trimester. Which is normally when you're able to find out the gender but we didn't. Well our parents know but we don't. That's the whole purpose of the gender reveal thing.

To be more precise, she's seventeen weeks along or a week after four months. We agreed to not buy anything until we knew the gender. It's gonna make the shopping process easier.

"I'm kinda rooting for team boy. We have enough girls around here but watch me be wrong." Rue says.

I've been team boy since day one but I'm not even sure anymore. Not after reading all them damn books anyway. But I guess I'll find out tonight.

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