VII. judge judy

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ranboomc                                                            •••

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ranboomc                                                            •••

ranboomc                                                            •••

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ranboomc Iris took this @iriside
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18 May 2021

username 7h

username 7h
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username 7h
stop i'm already obsessed with their dynamic please tell me they're gonna stream together
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username 6h
iris and ranboo at the grocery store the most iconic of duos
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tommyinnit 4h
thanks for the invite bitch
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ranboo 3h
               you're welcome ☺️

tommyinnit and 34,946 others started following iriside

there was something iris liked about taking notes. she liked being able to look at her notebook and see her progress, she liked all the different colours of pens. she liked the feeling of taking them, neat and proper. it made her feel smarter than she really was. it was sort of odd, returning to normalcy so quickly after meeting tubbo and raboo. it was a really nice two days, she'd had a good time.

and now, three days after returning home, she was stuck doing homework while it rained heavily outside. her desk was right beneath a window, and she could almost see tommy's house if she stood and craned her neck. he was busy editing, and she wanted to finish the unit before she the end of the day, so they'd both agreed working seperately was the best option.

the music playing through her laptop was soft in her ears as she fiddled with the wire on her headphones. there was a quiet tap on the door, her mum poking her head in as iris took out her earbuds. "yeah?"

her mum smiled at her. "have you eaten yet? there's chicken in the fridge, i can cook you something before i have to leave."

iris turned back towards her notes. she was nearly finished. she nodded. "yeah, that'd be great. thank you. i'll be down in a sec?" her mum nodded and went downstairs. iris closed up her notebook and put away all her pens, shutting her laptop as she finished up.

lachlan was on the couch, scrolling through his phone, and he lit up at the sight of his sister. "what do you want?" he was smiling, and iris flopped onto the couch beside him, laying on her side. he rested his glass of water on her temple, keeping his hand wrapped around it. she swatted at him, but he didn't move.

"bitch," she grumbled under her breath, grabbing the remote from where it sat a few inches away. she heard her mum call something out to her, but she wasn't paying attention. "will you watch inside job with me?"

lachy nodded, yawning and tossing his phone to the side. they started from the first episode, and by the time the second one was finished, all three members of the little family were eating on the couch, chatting idly as they watched. "so, that's supposed to be judge judy?" iris and lachlan both nodded. "and she's a lizard?" they nodded again.

iris didn't often get to spend time with her mother and her brother at the same, and she revelled in the opportunity. she left her phone up in her bedroom, wanting to stay more in the moment. of course, if lachy wasn't working he was always around, but their mum was usually at work or asleep.

she ended up falling asleep on the couch that night along with her brother. she woke up in the middle of the night and stumbled upstairs to her bed, leaving lachy asleep beside where she just was. she collapsed into bed, having to shuffle to get under the covers, her bed made and ready. it was still raining, and she fell back asleep almost immediately. she was vaguely aware of her phone vibrating, but she fell asleep before she could even give it a second thought.

tommy sighed as he put his phone down, sitting up in his bed. he couldn't sleep, and that wasn't iris's fault, but he felt aimless. they'd chatted on discord that morning as tommy worked on homework, she was wearing green overalls and her hair was in two long plaits and tommy missed her. as dumb as it was.

he'd ended up holding her hand on the train ride back. it was more crowded, luckily the people sitting at their table were older, probably having no idea who either of them were. still, they sat facing the wall, iris on the window side, and he'd spent the entire journey home stroking her knuckle with his thumb.

the uber had dropped them both home, and tommy had walked her inside. and, for the first time in their decade of friendship, as he'd walked back to his own house, he'd been overwhelmed with the desire to kiss her.

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