Chapter 3: Spangled Meeting

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[ Author's Note: I hope you liked the first two chapters. I'm open for ideas. Training won't start until the next chapter but I'm hoping someone will give me things they wish to see because I don't know where this story is going. I don't own MARVEL. Christine Blake is mine though. ]

<<<<<<<<<< Christine's Point of View >>>>>>>>>>

Finishing my last swig of coffee, I realize that Maria never told me where Cap was. How was I supposed to meet the man if I didn't know where to look? Whipping out my phone I send her a text:

Me: Mars, where IS Cap?*

Mars: He is at STARK tower for the time being. If you can get there before 2:00. If you can't let me know and I'll send a recruit to bring you to the new HQ.

Me: Well, I know I won't be able to make it to the tower by then. I've got to go home and pack.

Mars: Was that a shot at me for "making" you do this?

Me: Maybe...

Mars: I'll have a recruit come and pick you up around 3:00 to bring you to HQ. Once they show you how to get there it won't be hard for you to find when you come back in the morning.

Me: Okay. As long as your recruit can help carry luggage to my "new pad" I will be totally fine with that.

Mars: I've got Agent Powell coming to get you.

Me: Hottie with a body? I'm totally okay with that! ;)

Mars: James Powell is a professional. Treat him like one.

Me: Don't be a stick in the mud. I'm home now TTYL.

Mars: TTYL.

I open the door to my apartment and sigh. What the crap am I going to take? How big is my space? Ah, I'll just pack my clothes and get them in the room and then analyse whether I will need to bring anything else with me in the morning.

Ew. This is so dull. I hate packing. Why did I agree to this. Man. I am lazy. Wow. I need to rethink my life decisions.

Here I am fussing about picking out and packing out clothes when I should really be worried about how the crap I plan on training TWO ENHANCED SOKOVIANS.

Okay. Let's chill. Steady on. Everything's alright. Right? Okay. What if they don't like me? What if they hurt me? ... ... ...

What if I hurt them? That's the last thing I want to do silly. I'm going to help them. Yeah. Helping is good... Hurting is bad. Okay. Let's go over the basics I can tell them tomorrow while I pack. Sounds easy enough. Yeah.

Enhancements can be brought out of the inner-self in many different ways.

Right, I need all types of pants. Jeans, there we go. Shorts and capris, good. Jogging pants, yes. Pajama pants, nice and cozy.

The challenges that one experiences due to their enhancement varies with the enhancement itself.

Now I need tops. Sweaters, nice and clean. Blouses and camis, cute yet comfortable. Training tops, good and flexable. Pajama tops, hmmm... I'll just take the lighter ones and a sweatshirt. Don't want to be too hot at night.

Most enhancements can be channeled naturally through a certain thought or series of movements. But, one must always be careful because emotions can also trigger dangerous "spurts" of energy. That is what enhancements tend to feel like. Energy. It takes energy to use them... I don't like the word "powers" it seems too superficial. Like I'm a superhero or something extraordinary......

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