3 - Multiverse Problem

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(??? POV)

Ever since I saw Error jumped, the whole Nightmare's gang weren't the same without error and all the Charas and Frisks + Aliza are still depressed, crying, feeling of grief after their Dunkle jumped. Nightmare felt anger, hate towards to his 'brother' even more and cried in his passive formed. The star sanses were shocked to see Nightmare's passive form and Dream's tears went down to his face, happy to his brother in passive form again. He went to his brother to hug him, Nightmare hit Dream's non-existing 'stomach' to push him away from hugging him. Dream felt that pain and confused that why his own brother does that. He looked at his brother with tears with hate and disgust towards at him. "I HATE YOU DREAM! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU AND YOUR INKBLOT'S COUNCIL KILLED ERROR THAT HE IS PART OF THE BALANCE OF THE MULTIVERSE! DON'T YOU CALL ME 'BROTHER', WE WERE NEVER BE BROTHERS BECAUSE OF YOUR LACK OF INGNORANCE! FROM NOW ON,I AM DISOWNING YOU" He screamed at Dream, he turned back into his corrupted form and went to the portal with his gang as left Dream crying. Dang, I felt bad for Dream but he deserves it anyway, as for Ink, he doesn't give a shit since he is still a stupid soulless skeleton and Blue, I could tell he felt guilty and wanted to suicide as well after his own best friend died. The Council were having a 'party' of Error's death, which I hate it. All of the sudden, the whole multiverse was shaking, and everyone got panicked. "Calm down everyone! I'm pretty it was-" "ERROR? AGAIN? REALLY INK!? ERROR IS DEAD AND YOU LITERALLY BROKE THE BALANCE, YOU FUCKER!" Blue interrupted Ink and leaving everyone in shocked that Blue just swore. "Baby Blue! What has gotten to you little bro? Did Error brai-" Before Stretch could even finish his sentence, he punched him that could send him fly and hit on the ground, everyone still shocked and Blue spoke in dark hated tone. "One, Don't call me 'Baby Blue or Blueberry. Two How dare you all treated me like a child! I'm a Sans too and I'm a fucking adult! Three, Error would never brainwashed me and he didn't treat me like a child ever since he accidently kidnapped me! Four, All of you are blind except Classic does not know about the balance! Five, Ink, calling yourself 'god of creation or creator', making negative au's suffering because of your stupidy, YOU SOULLESS BITCH!" After that, Blue quickly teleported away leaving his 'brother' felt ashamed and everyone felt their sins crawling on their back which I could sense it. I grinned and I go 'FRESH POOF'

A few days later...

I was skateboarding in the anti-void, and I still miss Err- Wait, why do I suddenly miss him!? What is this feeling. This feeling is different, and I can't control it! My host eyes sockets had watery flowing down to my face. "This is u-unrad, wut is this feeling yo?" I said with my 90 lingos and I couldn't stop it as I lied down on Error's bean bag.


I was in doodle sphere, and I couldn't stop thinking what Blue just said. Most of the member part of Council are now mad at me or against me? Wow now I feel my own sins crawling on my back and guilt? How is that even possible? Maybe Blue was right and maybe I should've listened to Error. After that thought, surprisingly everyone believe that the balance was real which it makes sense, for example, Life and Death, Positive and Negative. So, I stopped creating au's or copies in order to keep the balance. One of the councils' members suggest that we should made a truce with the bad sanses and after that, we did. There is peace now! But Stretch got disowned by his own brother and left him alone in his au. Blue still hates us and also the others to those who knew about the balance and Classic knew balance which this is really awkward that I've been so stupid. (Me: You are already stupid. Fgod!Idiot Ink: H-Hey now!) Classic even giving me an uncomfortable look and his bad time eye, his face was like. 'You're gonna have a bad time, You fucker'

To be continued...


Haha sorry if this is short because my brain sucks

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