Solve All Problems In This War

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- U.A Academy

This hero academy was finally attacked again with the same people before because their problems were not resolved, especially Izuku Midoriya who was a major factor in this war.

since their position was unprepared for this sudden attack, all that could be done was to try their best to hold off Shigaraki and AFO until Midoriya returned to stop them.

The combination of Shigaraki and AFO is too terrible to be stopped, coupled with an army of thousands of Noumus which is easy enough to destroy a city.

with the current situation that all prisons in Japan are broken, causing all the remaining heroes to be busy with their own affairs even though the main boss is at U.A.

expecting a few students to face the two of them was suicidal but, they had no choice but to wait while holding All of the Noumus together until Endeavor and the other heroes came.

Luckily they were able to breathe a sigh of relief because the arrival of Midoriya's children made it a little easier to hold Shigaraki and AFO until Deku arrived.

Some of the students who stood at the forefront to stop Noumus' incursion were Togaru, Hiryuu, Sen, Kaminari, Lida, Kirishima, Kinoko, Juzo

And the reason why they are at the forefront according to Ichigo is their Quirk which can be developed and likened to a Killing Knife..

On the midline which can help attack from a distance because their Quirk is not good enough to attack at close range.

The students who were in the center line were Jiro, Shoda, Reiko, Momo, Shoji, and Sato.

Meanwhile, on the defensive line are Tokoyami, Ibara, and Itsuka, who are now guarding a large box in which there are Izuku's little children who were deliberately put to sleep by Tsubasa.

Beside them was Monoma who sat holding Aizawa and the Hero Manual with watery eyes, seeming to be imitating Aizawa's Quirk.

And while the rest chose to evacuate several students and residents who were still hanging around outside and had not yet entered the Bunker.

"The most important thing from now on is not to let Shigaraki or AFO touch all the students here" Said Rakheid who chose to stay behind because he knew that his Quirk would be very helpful if something went out of plan.

"Kayo sent Tetsuya and Ichinose to their mother" Rikka said with several transparent projector screens in front of him and like a computer and CCTV "Okay, if you all want to see it then I will give it to you"

"Kayo sent Tetsuya and Ichinose to their mother" Rikka said with several transparent projector screens in front of him and like a computer and CCTV "Okay, if you all want to see it then I will give it to you"

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What didn't take long appeared a giant eye in the sky and then a live broadcast screen appeared like on TV and showed all the events to everyone including all the Civillians in the area Bunker

"Holy shit!!! What the hell is this?" Kaminari was both shocked and distressed but, luckily it was just eyes instead of the live broadcast camera.

Rakheid Sweatdrop "You should know right, that Ichigo and Natsu don't like fame"

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