The Return of a Family Reunion

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- Office Headmaster

"Aizawa-sensei, Can i come on?"


After Izuku's condition had improved enough, he was summoned by Aizawa to come to the principal's office because there was something to discuss and it had to do with them.

Since AFO escaped freely and Shigaraki also managed to escape, the current situation was not very good and very worrying for Izuku who had to deal with the two of them.

And when he entered how surprised he was because the situation in the office was very crowded with the Headmaster, All Might, Aizawa and Inspector Tsukauchi even all his childrens were here.

"Yo, Dad!!!" Natsu greeted with a cheerful smile.

"Come on, we're serious here!!!" Zenin slapped the pink-haired man's back.

"Come in Midoriya boy!!, we really want to talk seriously this time" All Might smiled at the boy who was considered his own son.

"Looks like we're all reuniting here" said Iruma who chose to sit on the floor.

"Reunion with Father but not with our mother" Mikasa said closing her eyes and at least she wanted to see her mother first instead of being interrogated like a criminal.

"Come on!!!!, at least you can see her at a glance" Rito was annoyed and wasn't even forced to join battle with the AFO.

"Can you guys calm down a bit?, your voice is so high it makes my ears hurt" Tsubasa grimaced in annoyance while rubbing his ears.

"Just use headphones" Akiho gave a suggestion.

Izuku saw that all of his children were very close and felt very familial and he was also still worried because it was very clear what Zenin said that they were all different mothers.

"They're pretty loud too." Izuku realized that if all his children were gathered there would be quite a ruckus, even Aizawa seemed irritated by this noise.

"One day you'll get used to them, Dad." Said Yukino who remained calm.

After the AFO managed to escape and heard the news that Shigaraki had managed to escape, Kayo quickly moved all of her scattered siblings straight to U.A but she excluded one person

"I think we're missing one person here." Ichigo tried to count all his siblings gathered in this one room and it seemed that no one had been brought here.

"What do you mean?.....ohh I see!!" Tsumireko realized that that person really couldn't come here because of his mother's status.

"who's he?" Izuku asked curiously because one of his children wasn't here.

"He's Shizuo who carries that big machete." Answer Kayo.

Izuku remembered that it wasn't the blonde haired boy who pulled Himiko Toga away and here was a little odd as to why Shizuo brought Toga but, he remembered one thing for sure.

"that means that she......" Izuku didn't want to deny but that the only reasonable possibility was that.

"She is his mother" Kayo answered but didn't mention Shizuo's mother's name because it would be troublesome for her father.

Izuku's reaction was neither embarrassed nor red in the face but he just held his forehead because he felt dizzy from all the events that happened so fast and unexpectedly.

"Are you okay, Dad?" Opihime asked in a worried tone.

Izuku waved hid hand "no problem, just a little dizzy"

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