staring at my shoes

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      Finney awoke to the sound of a voice calling out for him to wake up. Finneys eyes fluttered open, forgetting the position he had fallen asleep in.

Robin has fallen over and was now laying on the couch, while Finney had fallen with him and ended up laying half way on top of him.

Robin pulled his arm off of Finney's waist and rubbed his eyes hoping to wake himself.

Finney quickly sat up, looking ahead at Robins uncle, who was staring at them uncertainly. "Er, breakfast is ready," Robin's uncle scratched the back of his neck.

Finney stood up and walked away quickly, not to the kitchen but instead up the stairs and to where his sister would be sleeping.

Finney pushed open the door, seeing his sister still sleeping. He quietly shut the door.

Robin sat up on the couch, looking back at his uncle staring directly at him.

"Didn't tell me he was coming over. What time did you get back?" He asked.

"Right, my bad. I don't know, like eight or nine," Robin shrugged. "Mhm. You two seemed to have gotten.. closer," He said, pausing on the last word, hoping Robin would understand what he was exactly talking about.

"We accidentally fell asleep while watching a movie," Robin groaned, leaning into the back of the couch. His uncle nodded slowly.

"Interesting. He's welcome to stay as long as he likes," His uncle, Stan said. Robin nodded and pulled himself off the couch.

"I'll eat in a second, just gonna change," Robin told him as he tiredly walked up the stairs. He spotted Finney in the hallway shutting the door to where his sister was fast asleep.

"Hey," Robin said to him. Finney turned to look at him, "uh, hi." He was still dismayed from how he had fallen asleep.

"You need clothes?" Robin asked. Finney nodded and followed him to his room. He was handed clothes and headed off to the bathroom to shower and change.

When Finney walked out, he found Robin was not there. "Robin?" He called out, opening his bedroom door. He walked back into guest room, seeing his sister was gone too.

Finney uncertainly looked around before he walked down the stairs.

"Robin?" Finney asked again. "He's in the kitchen." Finney flinched at the sudden noise and turned around, seeing it was just his uncle.

"Oh, thank you," Finney nodded once and wandered off to the kitchen.

"Hey, Finn. Foods over there," Robin said, pointing towards a counter. "I'm not hungry," Finney half smiled and sat next to Gwen.

"Should we go home? Dad's probably waking up soon," Gwen whispered to him. Finney really didn't want to leave. He just wanted to be with Robin.

"You can go home whenever you want. I just want to stay a bit longer," Finney whispered back. "But dad-"

"Gwen, i don't care what dad does to me. I'll walk you home now, but I'm staying," Finney told him with a hushed tone. Gwen looked disappointingly at her brother. She wanted her brother to stay safe, but he couldn't stay safe if all he wants to do is hang out with Robin when he knows full well that will just get him in immense trouble.

"Fine," Gwen finally said, going back to eating. Finney glanced up to Robin who was eating his eggs while staring down at the table. Finney heard the front door opening and tilted his head to see who had walked in.

"I'm home! Robin, Stan, where are you?" A woman called out as the front door was lightly shut.

"Oh god," Robin groaned under his breath. "Hello, hello! You must be Finney? I've heard many many things about you from Robin. Good things," She smiled when she noticed where Robin was. She walked up and stood behind Robin.

"Mama, stop talking," Robin mumbled. "Ay! Watch your tone, i barely said anything," she said defensively, smacking Robin on the back of his head.

"Ow," Robin mumbled, going back to eating. "Anywho. I'm Robin's mom, it's nice to meet you," She said sweetly to Finney.

"Oh, nice to meet you too. I'm Finney," Finney smiled back. She nodded, "I figured. Robin talks about you a bunch, I swear he-"

"Mama." Robin interrupted her. She looked over at him. "Right, right. I'm going to bed, these late shifts are killing me," She sighed out before she walked off.

"You talk about me?" Finney mentioned. "Nope. Nuh-uh. I've seen these movies, I'm gonna stop you both right there," Gwen immediately said before Robin could even open his mouth.

The two boys frowned, yet they didn't continue talking.

Gwen was ready to leave, while Finney still didn't want to.

"Alright, I'm leaving now," Gwen announced to the two. Finney turned his head to look at Robin. "Is it okay if i stay just a bit longer? You can say no, it doesn't matter, i can go," Finney spoke fast.

"Yeah, you can stay," Robin said with a light laugh. "Thanks! Gwen, you want me to walk you home?" Finney asked.

"No, i can walk. It's not that far," Gwen waved before she walked out the door. Finney quickly waved back.

Stan came quickly running down the stairs after Gwen left, Robins mom following closely behind.

"Stanley Arellano," she said threateningly. "Ay, not in front of the kids," he said, pointing at them. She mumbled Spanish insults under her breath before walked away.

Stan walked to the couch and sat between the two boys. "What we watching?" He said. Robin shrugged, "I don't know, all these movies are lame," Robin frowned.

"There's a new movie that came out a few days ago, Robin. You want to see it tonight? Finney can come too, of course," Stanley spoke.

Robin looked over at Finney, who shrugged. "What time?" Robin asked, looking back at his uncle. "Seven."

"I mean, I'll go. You want to come Finney?" Robin leaned forward again to look at Finney.

He thought about it. He was already in trouble, so what would the big deal if he were to spent another few hours out?

"Sure, I'll go," Finney half smiled. "Nice! Wait.. what's this movie called?" Robin questioned.

"Halloween. It's horror," Stan was sure to add the last part. "Nice. No other horror movies been better than Texas Chainsaw, better be good," Robin said and sunk into the couch.

"It's supposed to be real good, my work friend watched it, said it was in the top five favourites. That's a good thing, he usually hates everything," Stan explained.

That was such an awkward place to end it but its only because the next chapter is gonna be kind of short and ending it there would help ig idk ok. Anyways since im like super duper (!!) creative, i got the name stanley from gruncle stan 💪

The next chapter is gonna be so amazing and then its gonna be a fun lil twisty twist. Super fun. Okay ill write later im gonna go play roblox cuz im so cool like that

(1179 words.)

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