like i always do

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At school Finney was really hoping to see Robin so he could apologize. He waited outside their math class knowing that Robin would be coming that way.

When he did, Finney waved, "hi." Robin didn't even look at him, he just kept on walking. Finney watched him take his seat before walking to his own.

Finney watched as Robin did the worksheet with ease, not struggling once. He really did mean everything. If Robin understood it, why would he ask for help?

After that class Finney decided he would try making a better attempt to apologize.

"Robin, wait up," Finney called out to him. Robin didn't listen to him, he kept walking away. "Please, I'm sorry."

"Thought we weren't friends," Robin finally said. "We are! We are friends," Finney spoke. Robin stopped walking and turned around.

"If you aren't helping me with school, we would never talk. You never even want to hang out with me after school."

"I really want to," Finney told him. "Then why don't you?" Robin scoffed.

Finney paused for a moment. He couldn't just tell him why.

"I'm sorry," he said instead. "That doesn't answer the question, Finney," Robin said, annoyed. "I know, I'm sorry."

"Jesus, just stop apologizing," Robin sighed out. "Whatever. I have to get to class anyways," Robin said, continuing on his way to his next class.

Finney stood there for a moment before someone walked past him and hit Finney with his shoulder.

Finney looked at the person, seeing it was Vance. That was probably why it hurt so much.
Vance looked back, staring at Finney without saying a word.

Vance stopped when he bumped into someone so he quickly turned around punched them right in their face. He looked back at Finney for a mere second before he kept walking.

Robin must've told him what happened.

At lunch Finney was going to try talking to robin again, but he figured Robin didn't want to talk to him, so instead he decided to leave him alone.

Finney walked into the bathroom, thankful no one was in there. He heard the doors opening after he entered. Finney moved his head to look behind him, seeing Matty, Matt, and Buzz.

"Hey Finney. Your boyfriends not around to protect you this time, is he?" Matty smirked, inching closer to him.

Matty shoved Finney into the wall. Buzz picked him off the ground and held him so Matty could punch him easier.

Finney heard the door being pushed open again, this time Robin walked in. The three boys immediately pushed themself away from Finney.

"Still need your whole gang to beat up one kid?" Robin spoke, looking Matty up and down.

"No, i could take him by myself," Matty spoke, quickly regretting it. "Not that i would."

Robin walked closer to them, pulling Matt and Buzz back by their shirt collars.

"Okay," Robin shrugged, dragging the two outside, leaving Finney alone with Matty.

Outside, Robin shoved the two away from the door. "Leave Finney alone," is all Robin said as he walked off.

"Is he coming back?" Matty spoke to Finney. He didn't answer, because if he said no, he would get hurt, and if he said yes, he would somehow end up getting hurt.

"Yes," Finney said. Matty quickly left, only to come back in. "He's not coming back, fag. Why would you lie?" Matty tilted his head, walking towards him.

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