Nothing left to say. 23/11/22

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Well hello, looks who's back again. It's me, your favourite mess.
Recently I have been doing a lot of thinking. About what, you ask? Everything and nothing all at once. @WrittingAzira suggested writing about my favourite birthdays and that got me thinking, have I ever enjoyed my birthdays? I can't remember all of my 19 birthdays but I remember snippets of certain ones, that I am now going to share. I remember when I was about 5ish, maybe 6 or 7, and my aunt made me a handmade lehenga, a traditional Pakistani dress, and I felt so grown up. I sat on my aunts stairs, then shuffled until I was gliding down them and landed on her extremely small landing. I then walked into her living room, where there was plenty of gifts and cake and it was the only conventional birthday party I have ever had. Another one I remember was how I got a proper cake, handmade from a bakery, that had Olaf from frozen on it. The worst part was I was 12 or 11 at that time, but I loved Olaf so it was sweet. I didn't get any gifts but my family came and I enjoyed it, the next year was no cake just the large Olaf marzipan model but no extended family, which I didn't really care about. My most memorable was the 18th one, I cried because I felt so old but I had cake and got a ring as a present. They made so much effort but I ruined it by having a strop over the fact that all my bras were in the wash, I think that was just an excuse to project my fear of ageing on to.
Read on but don't make the same mistakes.
Love, Mess.
Credit to me, this is my pic 😂.

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