On the tip of my tongue. 22/2/23

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Dear Blog,
How are you guys? I wanted to talk about life and how complex even the simplest of things can become. I have desperately scoured the internet and attempted to find a blog, to reassure and guide me, about getting life together. I am an adult and yet I need an instruction manual on how to function successfully. The days turn into weeks and before I know it, my youth will slip through my fingers never to return. I need to turn this around and bring you along for the ride. I am in search for a job and once I am employed I will make this into my diary. I can't wait! What will the new job bring? New people, new friends and hopefully a special someone ( and the money and independence won't hurt). I am hopeful but the doubt keeps creeping with every job and university rejection, I just have to keep going. On to better days guys!
Pls comment, it's a bit futile otherwise,
Yours truly, MM.

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