Life, a mystery i am still unraveling. 19/11/22

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Well hello, looks who's back again. It's me, your favourite mess.
I have recently discovered that I have a fear of being trapped, not physically in the sense of being stuck in a cave, but more emotionally like being stuck in my current family situation. These same four walls feel like a coffin and this city is the final nail, now I am just a walking talking zombie. You have to be in my situation otherwise it's not possible to survive the crushing feeling that you might just be stuck here forever. To let true feelings in is to feel and that by extension is always too much.
I had a dream that I went to Paris independently and now I just crave that dream. To feel free, no restrictions, and the warm sun on my skin and the french beach. I just don't know what to do anymore, I rather just sleep.
Read on but don't make the same mistakes.
Love, Mess.
Credit to original owners I just found the pics on Pinterest.

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