Chapter 8: Confrontations

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Groaning as they slowly regained consciousness, Davis asked aloud. "Ugh... what happened...?"

That's when the thoughts of him and Kari almost kissing resurfaced in his mind, followed by those of being attacked by Diaboromon's cables, causing the leader of the younger Digidestined to quickly open his eyes, concerned as to what had happened to Kari, Veemon and the others, but found they all were in a new danger.

Glancing around and seeing he was still at the mercy of Diaboromon's cords, the Digidestined of Miracles saw he was no longer in the decaying forest, but looked to be deep within the very core of the Digital World, while around him were his friends, some of whom had already awoken and were trying to escape Diaboromon's grasp.

"Davis!" He then heard Veemon call to him, causing the maroon haired boy to look over and saw his Digimon partner and best friend bound just like the others, while by his sides were Takato, Tai, Kari and Gatomon.

And while the Digidestined and Tamer were awake, Gatomon was still out and had a look of discomfort on her face as she groaned, while writing around, to which Davis and the others knew something was seriously wrong.

"Guys!" Davis then called back, again as he struggled against the wires wrapped around him, but stopped when he heard a gnawing sound, making him look over and saw, Rika and Renamon were beside him, as was Guilmon, who was trying to chew through the cables that held him but was having no luck in freeing himself.

"How did we get here?" Davis questioned, before turning his attention on the Digidestined of Light and asked, concerned for her. "Kari, are okay?"

"I've been better." Kari admitted, her tone and expression showing a fair amount of fear as she looked around, finding the others all awake by now, while most of the Digimon were in the same state as Gatomon, which worried Kari, as well as the Digidestined and Tamers as to what was wrong with them.

"Welcome to my world." The Digidestined and Tamers then heard the twisted voice of Diaboromon say within the shadows, causing everyone to look forward, where they all saw that within the darkness, countless eyes were gazing at each of them.

"Diaboromon, do we finally get to meet you face to face or is this one of your clone tricks?" Davis asked, showing no fear as he stared at the many eyes transfixed upon him.

From the shadows, he smirked.

"I am not a copy, but I also not Diaboromon." Diaboromon replied, which confused the Digidestined, Tamers and those Digimon who were awake.

"Enough games, Diaboromon. Come out of the shadows and stop hiding like a coward." Rika demanded.

"Very well." Diaboromon's voice replied as the eyes started to move towards them, shocking the Digidestined and Tamers upon seeing the figure that appeared before them.

They knew stealing the power of the D-Reaper would change Diaboromon, but none were expecting by how much.

Being fused with the D-Reaper, the red ooze that the renegade program used to consume Shinjuku flowed through Diaboromon's skin, which was a major change, but was more noticeable were his arms, to which he had not only mutated, gaining a second set, but each arm was covered in eyeballs.

While his chest armor remained the same form and colour, the spikes on his back had grown in size, almost like tentacles that Diaboromon could use to stretch out to wrap around, crush or impale his enemies, while his helmet had been divided, with the right side looking like the old Diaboromon's, while the left side of Diaboromon's face was completely covered with a mask that closely resembled the Mother Reaper, showing just how far Diaboromon had gone in consuming and controlling the power of the D-Reaper as he then announced. "Diaboromon is nothing but a memory, I am ChaosDiaboromon!"

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