Chapter 2: Return of the Diabolical One

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After three months after the fight against Armageddemon thanks to Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode everything was back to normal and now the Digidestined were at Digitamamon's restaurant, taking a break from school and patiently awaiting the meals to be presented by Digitamamon's new assistants, Davis and Veemon.

After several minutes, Davis and Veemon emerged from the kitchen, both holding bowls of delicious looking foods, which included ramen, noodles and dumplings, making Veemon smile as he and Davis placed the bowls on the table.

"Dig in guys." The Digimon of Courage and Friendship then said as he and Davis each took a seat, Davis sat beside Kari, while Veemon sat beside Gatomon and began to eat, which caused the others to join in, helping themselves to the various choices in foods.

"It smells good." Yolei commented, before saying. "Let's see how it tastes."

Yolei, along with Hawkmon and the others each took a bite of the food, to which everyone was surprised at the taste.

"Wow Davis, this is so good." Ken said, enjoying the meal, making Yolei nod and say. "Perfect-o."

"Let me say what everyone is thinking. Davis, your cooking is amazing." Kari said happily, her smile made Davis smile back, while he did his best to hide a blush at seeing Kari's beautiful smile.

"Thanks guys." Davis replied, glad his friends were enjoying the food he had made for them, before clearing things up.

"But don't forget to thank Veemon, he helped too." He said.

"Thank you Veemon. This is purrfect." Gatomon commented, causing the 'V' marked Digimon to smile too.

And just like Davis, Veemon did his best to hide the blush forming on his face from being complimented by Gatomon and being so close to the Digimon he cared for.

For several more minutes, the Digidestined and Digimon kept eating, while discussing their plans for the weekend, but stopped when they all heard a huge roar come from outside of the restaurant.

Worried, Wormmon asked. "What is that?"

"Trouble." Gatomon replied, knowing that even with MaloMyotismon and Armageddemon defeated, there were still Digimon out there who wanted to nothing but to cause problems to the Digital World.

Everyone got up from their seats and run outside where they saw the town being attacked by an army of Bakemon and Soulmon, which was lead by a skeletal figure in a black cloak Digimon, who wielded a massive scythe.

"Oh no, it's MetalPhantomon!" Hawkmon called, before the Digimon of Love and Sincerity warned his friends. "We have to be careful against him, not only is he stronger than Phantomon, but MetalPhantomon can use his scythe to trap others in their worst nightmares, where he then drains them of all their negative energy until their Digi-Cores are completely empty."

"And once I have drained enough energy, I will escape to the Real World and absorb the energy of every human until I am the most powerful Digimon ever created." MetalPhantomon stated in a dark tone as his wicked gaze fell upon the younger Digidestined.

"In your dreams, bonehead!" Davis called in a defiant tone as he withdrew his D-3 and called out. "Digi Armour Energize!"

"Veemon Armour Digivolve to..." Veemon began to say, infused with the power of the Digi-Egg of Courage, consuming his form in flames as he then changed form and announced. "Flamedramon, the fire of Courage."

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