Chapter 7: A Dark Descent to the Digital World

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After defeating the Diaboromon army and returning to Hypnos, though thankful for their assistance and knowing that the Tamers would prove to be reliable allies, the Digidestined however were still curious as to how Takato and Rika fused with their Digimon, making Davis ask. "So how did you guys do that?"

"Do what?" Takato asked back, his tone and expression showing obliviousness.

"Fuse together." The Motomiya said in reply, which caused Veemon to state. "However they did it, it was awesome."

"What you witnessed was a Biomerge." Henry spoke up, getting the attention of the Digidestined and their partners.

"A Biomerge is a special power we Tamers can use when we're facing against powerful Digimon or threat to us or those we care about. By combining our friendship and trust in each other, we create a bond, and it's through that bond we are able to take on the physical form of a Digimon." Henry explained, before looking over his shoulder, to Terriermon, who smiled and nodded, agreeing with his Tamer's words.

"That's really cool." Agumon said, causing the Digidestined and Digimon to agree with the Digimon of Courage.

"And with that power, along with our own, Diaboromon's evil will be stopped and he will be defeated once and for all." Tai stated, determined to rid the worlds of all traces of the destructive Digimon.

But before anyone could react, the sound of chaos ran rampant from the streets.

"Sir, I'm picking up signals, exactly like that of the Diaboromon from before. They are spreading throughout all of Shinjuku at a rapid pace." Riley suddenly informed, shocking Yamaki, the Digidestined, Tamers and Digimon, before their shock increased as they all looked out and saw red cords emerging from all the surrounding technology, which unleashed the same red ooze and created a Diaboromon army that turned against the city, destroying everything in sight.

And while shocked, Yolei questioned, annoyed. "Does this guy ever quit?"

"At this rate Diaboromon will wipe out Shinjuku before we even set foot in the Digital World." She then added.

However, the Diaboromon army were brought to a sudden halt as blasts of energy shot down upon them, blasting several Diaboromon and destroying them completely, causing the other Diaboromon, as well as the heroes and heroines of two worlds to look up where they saw him.

"Beelzemon!" Takato called out, glad to see their friend.

"Listen Takato, I have no idea what's going on, but I know you guys can fix it. Whatever you have to do, do it. We've got it covered here." Beelzemon said in reply as he flew down to meet the gaze of his friends and their allies.

"We?" Rika asked, only to then hear the sounds of battle, causing everyone to look down, where they could see Justimon hacking his way through the Diaboromon with his Voltage Blade, Antylamon using her Bunny Blades to cut down the Diaboromon, Guardromon, despite being a Champion Digimon actually held his own, blasting Diaboromon after Diaboromon, while MarineAngemon was using his Kahuna Waves attack to not only harm their enemies, but also kept his allies protected.

And not only were the Digimon of the Tamers fighting, their Tamers, Suzie, Kazu, Kenta, Ai and Mako were assisting, using their Digimon Cards to increase the strength of their Digimon and watch their backs, while many other children who had befriended a Digimon and became a Tamer as well had joined the fight, working as a team and doing what they could to stop the army of Diaboromon.

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