Chapter 5: The First Strike of Diaboromon: Part 1

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As the Digidestined, the Tamers and their Digimon made their way through Shinjuku, the Digidestined were taken back at first from the various technology going nuts, knowing Diaboromon was behind it and had to be stopped.

Ignoring it and focusing on the Digidestined, Rika said. "So Takato and Guilmon say you are the good guys. I take it you also know who is really causing this trouble?"

Hearing Rika's question made Tai nod and say in reply. "A Digimon named Diaboromon is behind this. We managed to defeat him twice, but it seems he's back for a third strike."

"Hold on." Takato interrupted.

"I thought Imperialdramon stopped Diaboromon after he sealed the Kuramon within the Omni Sword." The brunette then said.

"He did. However, the Kuramon somehow manipulated Veemon into releasing one from the Omni Sword, before it snuck out of our world and into yours'." Davis explained, before looking down at Veemon in his arms and saw a solemn look appear on his partner's face.

"Don't worry about, pal. This isn't your fault." Davis assured, trying to make Veemon feel better and not put so much blame on himself, to which the Digidestined of Courage and Friendship then told Veemon. "And once we get to Hypnos and learn where Diaboromon is hiding, we'll take him down once and for all."

"Yeah!" Veemon replied, feeling more confident and enthusiastic, but then let out a small wince from the pain he felt.

"Try and take it easy. Your body has still sustained several injuries." Renamon said, remaining by Rika's side as both continued to walk, facing away from the Digidestined.

But showing she wasn't just a cold-hearted fighter, the vixen Digimon then said as she looked over her shoulder and at Veemon. "And I must apologize for my actions."

"There's no need to be sorry, you were just protecting your world and your friends. I would do the same if I ran into an unknown Digimon I believed was a bad guy." Veemon said he give a thumbs up to Renamon, causing her to smile a little at Veemon's kindness.

As the Digidestined and Tamers continued, eventually arriving at the Hypnos headquarters, speaking for his friends and what they were all thinking, Tai asked. "So what does this Hypnos place do?"

"It monitors the Digital rifts between our world and the Digital World, making sure both worlds are kept in balance and searches for any Digimon who have the idea to cause trouble and puts a stop them by either containing them in a Digital Field long enough so they will be transported back to the Digital World. And if the Digimon prove to be more troublesome than expected, Hypnos alerts the closest Tamers to handle the problem." Takato explained.

"But with Takato and Guilmon protecting us, we never have to worry." Calumon added joyously, making the girls, excluding Rika, smile, finding Calumon's actions and statements quite adorable.

'Until now. I hope you are right, Calumon.' Takato thought, keeping his worries to himself as he Guilmon and the others approached the front door to the Hypnos headquarters and made their way inside.

-Several minutes later-

Keeping close with the Digimon Tamers to make sure none got lost in the almost labyrinthian building that was Hypnos, the two teams eventually arrived in a large room, filled with monitors, each displaying various sections of Digital rifts and some displaying the Digital World, where they all saw the Hypnos staff working tirelessly, while in the centre of the room was a blue haired boy that had a Terriermon sitting on his shoulder and an older man with blond hair, dressed in a black suit and was flicking the lid of a lighter.

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