Chapter 1: Beginnings

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After Armageddemon was defeated by Imperialdramon: Paladin Mode, everything in Odaiba soon returned to normal.

And for the Digidestined, they went back to their normal lives, which consisted of school, work and keeping the Digital World safe from any Digimon left who wished to cause trouble, which soon began to change for each of them.

For starters Matt and Sora eventually broke up, both knowing their relationship had problems and believed they would be better if they stayed as friends.

And while their relationship as a couple broke, it was eventually replaced by two new ones, to which Tai and Sora wound up as boyfriend and girlfriend, allowing Agumon and Biyomon more time together where they too revealed they loved each other, Matt had started to date Davis' older sister, Jun Motomiya, which was a surprise to everyone.

After Jun had realized there was more to boys than just being cute, she had managed to get a backstage pass to one of Matt's performances, thanks to constantly bothering Davis until he gave in, getting a pass from the Digidestined of Friendship himself and saying it was for him.

But after his band had finished and Matt had returned to his room, he felt uncomfortable to see Jun was inside, waiting for him.

However, before he could speak, or call for help, Jun quickly apologized for her brother's deception, explaining it was her idea, before she told Matt her feelings, how she really felt towards him, telling him that she liked him not just because he was a musician, but because he was brave and handsome, before Jun summoned all her courage and asked Matt out.

While Matt was reluctant at first, he could not only tell from Jun's voice, but from her expression that she was being honest, making him agree to one date, which filled Jun with joy, making her want to hug him, but she remained calm.

And even though Matt was unsure if going out with a fan like Jun was a good idea, he admired her honesty, bravery and saw that behind her fan-girl personality was a caring and beautiful, young woman.

But just to be safe, not wanting Jun to go nuts all over him, Matt planned their date to be a double date with her, as well as Tai and Sora.

And to their surprise, they all had a good time with Jun, making her happy, as she felt she had gotten closer to the three, to which Tai and Sora soon accepted Jun as a friend, while she and Matt continued dating, winding up as a couple and falling in deeply in love with the other.

As for Mimi and Palmon, the Tachikawa family moved back Odaiba, which allowed the Digidestined and Digimon of Sincerity to be with their friends once again.

Mimi had missed her friends deeply, but missed Izzy the most, for she had feelings for the Digidestined of Knowledge, and after hearing that Sora and Jun both wound up with the one they truly loved, Mimi confessed her feelings to Izzy, who was surprised at first, before revealing he felt the same way, but never acted on them, believing a beautiful girl like Mimi was never meant to be his, which just made Mimi smile at Izzy's words before she showed him her love by sharing a kiss with him.

Something his knowledge and genius never expected to happen, nor did Tentomon, who too was kissed by Palmon, who too revealed she had fallen for the Digimon of Knowledge.

For Joe, he kept studying to become a doctor, treating both humans and Digimon.

And while he had yet found a girlfriend, he knew there was someone out there for him, as well as a nice female for Gomamon to claim as his mate.

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