Chapter 5

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Slick couldn't sleep.

In fact he hadn't slept all week. So many things plagued Slick's mind at once. Sienna doing the unthinkable, David shooting her, and not to mention Osiris and Dash finding about his side business with David.

Shit was all bad and taking a toll on Slick's mind as he stared down at his phone. The screen indicated that his voicemail was full and Slick could only imagine what was being said. Osiris and Dash were the closest thing Slick had to brothers and never would he choose to betray them.

As a man Slick needed a better way of providing for his family, David let him in on what was supposed to be a foolproof plan, and the rest was supposed to be history.

"PJ, you heard me?" Amaya, Slick's girlfriend and mother of his child spoke, breaking him from his thoughts. No one outside of Slick's immediate family referred to him by his government which was lil Paul or PJ.

To the streets he was Slick P. The smooth talking finesse kid that could sell a sweet dream to a nightmare. The boy was smooth.

Rubbing a hand down his face, Slick looked up at Amaya and replied, "Nah babe. My bad, I'm in my head. What's up?"

"Madison's out of diapers. I'm going to have to make a store run." Amaya sighed warily.

She hated this.

Amaya couldn't believe that Slick had gotten himself caught up in David Cambridge's shit. They were doing so well. Their daughter Maddie had just turned two and Slick had Amaya searching for their forever home. This was supposed to be the start of their fairytale life, yet here they were hiding out, damn near on the run.

Slick had them holed up in a air bnb in Georgia. He didn't give Amaya the full rundown about what happened, but she knew enough to know that they needed to get the fuck out of dodge for a while until things cooled down.

"That's cool. Give me a minute to pull my shit together and we can head out." Slick stood up and stretched before grabbing Maddie from Amaya. He placed sweet kisses all over Maddie's chubby cheeks while tossing her in the air.

It always warmed Amaya's heart to see Slick interact with their daughter. He went from the big bad wolf to Prince Charming whenever Maddie was present. Slick adored his daughter and her mother the same. He couldn't ask for a better family.

That's what was fucking him up.

Slick left Sienna's part out of the story he told Amaya. Not because he had done anything wrong, but he felt guilty. Had he done something to lead Sienna on? Was he crossing the line at any point?

Slick was confused.

He felt sick to his stomach every time he thought of touching Sienna in that way. It was a definite violation, but Slick had to take in account that Sienna was young and impressionable. From his perspective he was the cool big brother that Sienna could safely have fun with, but Slick had no idea when and where shit went left.

"I love you." Slick stated to Amaya while leaning in to kiss her lips. He felt like shit having his girls out here like this, but Slick's back was against the wall.

Amaya smiled sympathetically, walking into Slick's arms. "I love you more baby."

"I'm sorry about all of this," Slick apologized for the millionth time. He almost gave Amaya a heart attack when he burst in the house packing up clothes, yelling out they had to leave. "I can't even believe this shit is happening right now."

"PJ, stop apologizing. It happened, we're here now, how do we move forward, safely? That's the only thing we need to focus on."

Slick nodded in agreement. "I need to get up with Osiris and Dash, but... I don't know. I know how it looks, you know? I just need to explain my position. And then there's the Mexicans." He sighed. David had just introduced Slick to their new connect, Jose Reyes, leader of the Reyes Cartel. "David's the one with the contacts. We were meeting up to set up the properties to start distribution of the new shipment. But now, I have two months to move one hundred kilos, and no way of getting them off."

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