Chapter 10

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Ruby eyed Osiris skeptically as he gave her the tour of the building that would serve as a temporary youth center while Osiris's team was revamping Ruby's. It was clean and spacious, but it was also empty.

"So, what do you think?" Osiris asked, looking down at Ruby once they made their way back to the front of the building. He easily towered over Ruby's small five foot, two inch frame.

Osiris took her in.

Ruby was dressed in a tan cardigan,white button down, denim jeans, and tan Ugg boots. She made simple look elegant. Everything about Ruby seemed intentional. Even down to the diamond jewelry and accessories that complimented her choice of outfit.

Ruby paused for a second and took another look around. She didn't want to come off as ungrateful or snobby, but Ruby had to be honest.

"It's big, but it's also empty," Ruby looked Osiris in his eyes when she spoke. Something he really appreciated. "What I don't want is for this to somehow turn into some type of investment for me. If it's going to cost me anything, I would rather work with what I have until I'm in a space of being able to make necessary changes."

Osiris shook his head and chuckled lightly. This woman did not know how to release control.

"Ruby, you're no longer in this alone. I told you my family has tons of resources. Our next stop is to a warehouse to fill this place with everything we need. There are tables, chairs, music equipment, seriously, whatever you can think of. My mom does not believe in throwing things away. All of the things we used during my father's campaigning days are tucked away in storage. It'll cost you nothing." Osiris explained. This was the least he could do as a new partner. Besides, it was his idea to revamp the center.

Osiris could see the wheels turning in Ruby's head as she took another look around. This was definitely different from what she was used to.

"Alright, but you heard what I said. This one is on you." Ruby shrugged.

There was more than enough space for the fifteen kids Ruby was currently servicing at her center. Her goal was to expand so that she didn't have to put a cap on how many kids she could allow at the center. With fifteen the house was often overcrowded, but they made it work.

If Osiris could bring this vision to life Ruby would never again have to turn down another kid, or have the six month time limit so there was a good rotation throughout the community.

Osiris chuckled lightly. "I cannot wait for the moment I make a believer out of you."

"I'm not doubting you," Ruby clarified with a friendly smile. "You can't blame me for being skeptical though, I mean-" She waved her arms around the room. "It's a blank slate."

"That's the best part. Bringing your vision to life, turning nothing into something. It's a beautiful thing when you can bring a mere thought into reality. You look around this room and see nothing, I look around and see endless possibilities. It's more about perspective than anything." Osiris explained in depth. Ruby couldn't help but smile at his excitement. If nothing more, it at least made her believe that Osiris was all in.

"I'm sold. Let's do it," Ruby smiled, taking one last glance around the space.

Osiris's stomach growled loudly, causing them both to laugh. "Mind if we eat first? Sometimes I get so busy I forget to eat. Bad habit." He asked Ruby while rubbing his empty stomach.

"Sure, what do you have a taste for?" Ruby asked, digging around in her purse for her phone. She wanted to keep Karma in the loop so she didn't worry if she showed up at home and Ruby was still out.

Osiris shrugged, "I'm not picky. You have anything particular in mind? I usually keep it simple. Hotdogs, burgers, chicken, and fries will do me."

"Oh no," Ruby frowned, turning up her nose at him. "We have to change that. Don't even worry, I have the perfect spot."

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