Part 21: a team to remember

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Hermione shuddered slightly next to Harry from the stares and whispers. Harry could feel her unease growing even though only a bit of it was visible on her face. Harry couldn't blame her. The room was tense.

No one dared to openly oppose the seating arrangement. Not only had Harry dealt Voldemort a deadly blow two days prior, but his publicity had grown astronomically.

Harry had been declared "Henry the Great" and many other flattering names nationally and internationally yesterday. "Harry the Defender of the Weak and Menace of the Malevolent" was his personal favorite.

The fact that he had been wounded in the battle had not been noticed or revealed at the press conference since he had been standing still the entire time. So, his entrance into the chambers with a golden cane - many remembered it accurately as that of his grandfather - and with Hermione on his arm and slightly behind, beside him with a supporting hand on his free arm, sent the room into a whisper frenzy.

Bloody inbred vultures, the lot of them.

Harry refused to wince or show too much of a limp, although Hermione did have to help him at the end, on the stairs.

Harry nodded briefly to Lady Bones and Neville who usually sat on either side of him. He was just as surprised as Hermione when the room created a chair for her next to Neville. It was the seat of an unconfirmed and non-voting heir with the House emblem of the Dagworth-Grangers on it, as Neville's held a golden emblem for a confirmed, voting heir with the Longbottoms' emblem, two legendary and extinct fire lions. Hermione's seat also did not have the same height or golden crowning of the voting seats.

It was a welcomed surprise. Harry had originally planned to conjure a seat for her, but the room's magical assistance also fit into their plans.

Sirius threw him an encouraging look from across the room. Lady Black was sick with dragon pox, and, as Lord Apparent, Sirius was sitting in for her. Harry was grateful for the additional support.

They had brainstormed and came up with numerous plans and contingencies for the session. It would be tricky, but both Sirius and Hermione had reassured him over breakfast that it was solid. Harry felt confident that they would at least push for Veritaserum for Dumbledore.

Let the pureblood games begin.

The buzzing of the Lords and Ladies as they wondered who Hermione was, discussed his injury and Dumbledore's misdeeds ended with the arrival of the Minister and Chief Witch. After that, Harry sat attentively yet internally bored to death as the Chief Witch read the long list of charges. Neglect of a Lord, kidnapping of a Lord, numerous abuse of position as Chief Wizard, numerous abuse of position as Headmaster, etc.

Harry was deeply annoyed.

While he was happy that the old geezer was getting his due and hopeful that he didn't have to put up with the man's scheming anymore, the timing was more than suspicious. It was obvious that the anti-Dumbledore fraction of the Wizengamot had seen an opportunity in Harry's attack on Voldemort's lair and were attempting to seize to remove the man swiftly and completely. As Dumbledore mentioned in the press conference, and despite Harry's clear opposition, many now saw Harry as Dumbledore's natural successor, as the new Lord of the Light.

He shuddered in disgust. I definitely prefer Harry the Defender of the Weak and Menace of the Malevolent to that.

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