Part 19: Potters dormiens nunquam titillandus

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Damn him! DAMN HIM!

Voldemort had crucioed everyone in sight upon his return to his manor.

Even Nagini was avoiding him for fear of catching his ire.

Damn Regulus Black to the pits of any and every hell! He hoped his death in the cave had been excruciatingly long and painful.

His excessive use of Dark Magik left him light-headed and weaker than he had been since his resurrection. He threw everyone from his throne room and collapsed into his throne, furious and exhausted.

It was simply not possible. How did Black find out about my horcruxes?! He knew it was a silly and rhetorical question. The Blacks had delved into the darkest of dark arts. They were bound to have information on horcruxes in their libraries. It was one reason why he trusted their family with three of his treasures. Any other family would have been disgusted with, too intrigued or frightened by the aura of death magic.

He had merely misplaced his trust in the young Black heir.

After the devastating revelation in the cave, Voldemort had simply left the blond Potter weakened and crying at the entrance while he went to check his others horcruxes.

Gone. Each and every one of them!

He threw back his head and roared in fury. His destructive magic shaking and upturning everything in its path.

He panted and trembled from head to toe. Magical exhaustion was beginning to set in.

First Azkaban, then St. Mungos and now this…

Many foreign emotions struck the Darkest Lord of the century. Fear, apprehension and other weaknesses he thought he had bested decades ago.

He immediately made his way to his potions lab, sending Death Eaters scrambling to get out of his way. He would have to prepare the potion and ritual for creating another horcrux. He could take no chances. This horcrux will be tossed into the Channel if need be. Or… He glanced at his wand. His wand was the only thing in the world that he treasured and kept on his person at all times.

It will do.

He would have Bellatrix retrieve the goblet from Gringotts, and Snape the one in Hogwarts, and place them with Nagini under Fidelius.

Maybe he would join Bellatrix. He was sure that his horcruxes had yet to be destroyed. Maybe they were floating around on the black market somewhere. Snape mentioned how Sirius Black had thrown out all of the dark objects from his family house and that Mundungus Fletcher had stolen quite a few things to sell. The blood traitor Black would not have known what the treasures were, neither from knowledge nor from his estranged brother.

Maybe I can locate them with the right financial incentive in the right places… He would need to withdraw from the Slytherin vault.

Yes. He would join Bellatrix. He would have a few of the dragons currently hidden in his underground hall with him just in case the Goblins caused problems with Hufflepuff's goblet.

No, I don't want to reveal them to the world yet. They will be for my taking over the Ministry and getting the forsaken prophecy. Bella and I can handle the Goblins on our own. The cup will have to do for my regeneration, he thought, re-planning quickly. He would need to make his seventh, backup horcrux now and prepare for the ritual to absorb the one in the cup.

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