Part 6: More change

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Out of the corner of his eye, Dumbledore noticed that Minister Fudge and Undersecretary Umbridge were gesturing angrily at the papers on the table in front of them while carrying on a whispered argument. A sudden uproar from the members of the Wizengamot brought Dumbledore, the Minister, and Madame Umbridge back to the matter at hand.

Percy Weasley seemed to have exclaimed the loudest and was flushed with embarrassment for some reason. Ah yes, we should be hearing about Harry's third year. Mr. Weasley must have learned that his pet rat was the person responsible for revealing the secrets of the Potters to Voldemort.

A small announcement of Harry Potter's private Godfather Ceremony on September 30th, 1980, apparently the most recent document of evidence, lay before him.

Dumbledore's stomach dropped as he read the magically highlighted words "Godparent Oath" on the announcement. Such a Magical Oath declared that person would never willingly harm either the Godchild or its family with the penalty of losing their own magic. Anyone with an ounce of sense would know then that Sirius could not have betrayed the Potters.

Dumbledore held the paper with trembling fingers. He hadn't known...

"Who in this room knew of your foray with Lord Black, and thus of his wrongful imprisonment?"

"Minister Fudge and Headmaster Dumbledore."

The previously jovial Lady Black suddenly turned to look at Dumbledore with fury in her stormy grey eyes. "You and I will be having words, Headmaster!"

Dumbledore swallowed his fear impressively, nodding at the woman. Lady Black was not known for being a politician as she was known for her viciousness, for gathering information on everyone of interest and for getting retribution for her Family by using said information. If she thought Dumbledore knowingly sent Sirius Black to Azkaban and let him remain there, he would be Target One on her hit list.

Dumbledore began mentally drafting his statement to the Daily Prophet for the morning issue. There will be so much to comment on... That is, if I am not blacklisted come morning.

"What happened to Peter Pettigrew after this moment?"

"He turned into a rat and escaped."

"What happened to you and Lord Black?"

"We were attacked by the Dementors stationed at the school."

"How many Dementors?"

"A hundred, possibly more." A bit of pride broke through Harry's monotone voice.

Solicitor Wells copied and disseminated the documentation signed in Blood Quill by Minister Fudge that relocated over a 100 Dementors to be stationed at Hogwarts.

"How were you able to fight off the Dementors?"

"With the Patronus Charm."

"OBJECTION! There is no way that boy was able to cast such a powerful spell at 13. This must be fabricated!" Madam Umbridge yelled.

"Indeed! And if this is fabricated, who is to say that everything else we've been spooned here has a single shred of truth to it." Lucius added quickly. "I motion to have-."

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