Part 16: In the hospital

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Harry awoke the next day feeling very refreshed, with a smile on his face and a hunger that would put a Roman legion to shame.

It took a moment for his mind to catch up with the events of the past two weeks, but, once it had, a fury unprecedented came over him.

He shook his head. I need to meditate and focus.

He asked his personal elf at Potter Manor, Kali, for some breakfast for him to take in his study and to alert the other elves that they were not to speak of his reawakening to anyone including and especially Henriette.

That should buy me some time to sort this mess out.

Harry stretched and made his way to the bathroom. The Invigoration Draught had worked wonders, he felt. The potion was one of the most difficult to brew, and he had been brewed himself. Under the time-bubble, it had become quickly clear to him that he was more than capable of brewing the harder potions when he needed to lose all sense of place and time.

Maybe I'll stop by the potions lab to calm down after finding out what the hell Henriette had been thinking of with her latest actions.

He could think of no simple way to rejoin society - since he was currently "kidnapped by Death Eaters" - or find out how Hermione and Ron were doing in the aftermath of the rescue mission two days prior.

He sighed out loud as the hot water cascaded down his back.

Dumbledore was a complete other set of problems.

How dare he! Harry wasn't even sure where to begin with Dumbledore's list of recent atrocities and illegal actions against him and his House. He should have left me in Henriette's care. Not to mention his poisoning me! If he had given Harry to Henriette, maybe Harry wouldn't be in the mess he currently was. He had a feeling that he would have to take the man down a peg or two publicly.

He made his way to his study after his shower and luckily came across no one. His study was also pleasantly empty.

He could see where Henriette had already made herself at home. She had a rather meticulous manner when it came to paperwork and the like. All of the books he had left on his desk had been restacked, letters and paperwork were stacked in three neat piles and her favorite ostrich quill lay sharpened and ready. Even the chair behind his desk was reset to accommodate someone a few inches shorter than he was.

Interestingly enough, he had no problem with her taking the reins in his absence. He just had the feeling that she expected his absence to last a lot longer than it should have, especially if she had been doing everything in her power to get him back on his feet again.

And if FC hadn't defied her orders and intervened...

"Kali," he said, summoning his elf who popped in immediately, "please bring the post with breakfast." He turned back to the newspapers FC had given him yesterday.

"Kali can't, Master Lordship." The elf said, pulling at its ears in distress. "Mistress Ladyship has ordered that all post be going to her."

Harry growled softly. Even though his ire was not directed at the elf, he noticed that he still frightened the little being something dreadful and forced himself to calm down. "Then tell her the post was late or something. Do not allow her in my study. If you can, gather all of the post meant for me over the past two and a half weeks, please. Also please go to the Daily Prophet and buy one of every newspaper they've printed since Halloween."

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