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I wake up feeling invigorated from my rest. My lightheadedness  and aching feeling in my bones had all disappeared as if by magic! I wake up with a start and a joyful feeling;this was going to be a good day. I would work on my most important client's case-Seren Willows- and hopefully shed some new light on this massive embezzlement scheme of £500,000. I am in the attacking position. My client is the CEO/Owner of a massive, world-wide company that produces medical and scientific equipment on a mass scale. One of her most trusted employees has supposedly embezzled the £500,000 over the period of 5 months and planned to secure it overseas. I am Seren's lawyer and I will not disappoint her, as I don't disappoint any of my clientele.

As soon as I have seen my surroundings, a fancy wooden room that has magnificent intricate patterns engraved everywhere on the walls and a stained-glass depiction of something I am unsure of spans the entirety of the ceiling. The wood is seemingly dark oak and mahogany. Pillars are evenly spaced along the floor and they reach all the way up to the ceiling, curling in spectacular ways at either end. The smell of cut wood and books linger in the air and I inhale deeply. I might be in an extremely unusual situation but it is so familiar to me since it resembles a court room in so many different ways. The court room is like a second home to me, along with my firm and actual house, I rise with haste, fixing my appearance very quickly and regain my posture. I quickly find that their is no benches nor podium and the usual things you find inside of the court room. I very quickly realize my situation and the gravity of it.

Slightly panicked, I draw my handy pocket knife and look for a door. I plan on picking the lock on a door and attempting to escape. I may not be particularly tough nor strong, but I am a great strategist and I am a person of high intelligence. I will use these qualities to my advantage to the best of my ability.

I soon come to find that there is no entrances or exits, at least no any visible ones. Slightly frustrated and sad, I sigh in defeat and return to the center of the large room and just sit down ideally after I return my switch-blade to its original position in my jacket's inner pocket.

(Time skip)

'Somehow, I have fallen asleep! Really fucking great. Now I won't have a single fucking clue to whats happening when I wake up.'

I am in some kind of dream-state, surrounded by seamless ink-black walls. I can't see where one wall begins and another ends. The entire experience is mind-numbing. There is absolutely nothing to do other than occupy myself with my thoughts. All I could think about however was my current situation from the past few days and my cases, especially Seren's case. Both sides have a mountain of evidence, mainly minor but still, a mountain of evidence.

I am considering the case for the majority of the time, retrieving all of the knowledge I have about the case. I don't make to much progress with the case.

 Suddenly, a white light pierces the thick black walls and enters the room. The light highlights the corners of the room. I squint as the blinding white light consumes my vision and noise pours into my ears.

I wake up on a large stage and a thick glass pane separating me from the empty auditorium. Plush velvet cushions with gold patterns embroidered on the material. It looks warm and fuzzy.

The stage that I am currently laying on is comprised of polished wooden planks and red curtains are suspended above the stage, ready to envelop the scene at a moments notice.

I stand up, feeling rested for once. Once I am on both feet, I look around, unsure of what to do. I wonder around the stage, my shoes leaving a distinct echoing clicking sound as they collide with the expensive surface.

I realize that my shirt is untucked and that my lace is undone. I fix both problems with ease as I am very familiar with the actions, buy not quite as familiar as I am with mastu-.... Ahem Ahem, uhhhh. I also straighten my tie as it was slightly crooked. I fix my hair and continue to explore my surroundings, making a mental note of the environment and possible escape plans. I know it is stupid to try and escape without knowing whats happening but I don't want to take any risks. I won't expose the fact I have a pocket knife as there might be surveillance. I am almost helpless without it though so I just decide to go with the flow.

(Time skip)

'I think i'm going to finish wondering around now' 

Just when I tell myself this, I hear a noise that reminds me of hydraulics in some sense. Some platforms are descending from the ceiling. 

Once they have fully descended, I see that there are a multitude of different item present on the platforms. The platforms themselves are a dark-green and hover slightly above the wood, probably to ensure that it doesn't get scratched. On one of the platforms, a steaming bowl of spaghetti lays with a pesto coating the stuff. On the platforms there is also a sink with several hygiene products, oral, bodily and washing-up stuff. A tiny packet lays beside the sink. A toilet is curtained off, which makes me think that I am being observed,or perhaps it is just to give me piece of mind. Several other things, useful and stupid are presented. A video game console tempts me but I tell myself 'no' and continue my task of observing my new-found surroundings.

I eat the spaghetti, tucking in my own velvet handkerchief into my suit instead of the provided one. I  grab my cutlery and proceed to eat with a great amount of manners. Once done, I carry my plate over to the sink and proceed to wash up. Without a counter to set it upon nor a definite time that I will be here, I decide against just leaving the plate because no matter what, the dishes get done,sometimes late but never-the-less.

(Time skip)

I have used everything useful that I have been provided with and leave the rest be. Soon after, I feel several pricks over my body and am immediately asleep. AGAIN!

Interstellar CapturingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz