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*Ryan's POV*

I wake up with sore eyes, back pains and a nagging headache. 

As I slowly open my eyes, a blinding white light burns my eyes and sears into my retinas. I hastily seal(?) my eyes shut again.

I open them once again, but this time, prepared for what's waiting for me. The light seems to be significantly dimmed and nowhere near as bad.

During the time it makes for me to adjust to the light though, I realize that I am not where I fell asleep.

In a state of panic, I bolt upright. I assess my current surroundings;nothing but an empty white box that I am trapped inside. I start to hyperventilate, worried for my safety. when a faint purple mist starts to seep into the room out of nowhere. I only notice this when I start to feel lightheaded and tired and my vision begins to become hazy.

All of a sudden, my body becomes heavy and I become limp despite my lack of sleepiness.

Soon after this happens, a wave of yellow and blue light washes over the room and what appears to be a door swings open.

A large, tall grey alien with four arms crossed the room silently in strides.

(I made this image in MS Paint without a stylus or anything so be considerate.)

(Not all are missing a hand

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(Not all are missing a hand. I just couldn't be bothered to draw another one.)

(The human is for size reference. The human is an average male adult.)

Once it was just in front of me, it stared deeply into me. Almost like it was staring into my soul. After what felt like an eternity, the creature picked up my lifeless body with relative ease and slung me over his shoulder with care.

I almost fainted from terror at my current situation. It was a living nightmare.

It's skin was cold and rough like sandpaper. I felt the chill of it's touch through my thick suit that was now riddled with creases. Upon making this discovery, my face scrunches up in embarrassment, disgust and annoyance.

I take great pride in my appearance. I always do my best to look presentable and neat. I always pick appropriate clothing for the occasion, time, weather and company as well as environment and possible extra activities that could happen.

I decide to try and forget about the creases in my suit by occupying myself with the unbelievable occurrence that is  happening to me.

Once I turn my attention back to what was happening to me, I find that the creature was turning a corner.

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