Browsing (Part 1)

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Part one will be from Ryan's POV while part two will be from Aardale's POV

I wake up with a groan and itch my head. I feel thirsty and my mouth is parched. I smack my lips several times before sitting up attentively. I am to calm considering that I am in an entirely alien (Literally) environment.

I observe my surroundings, taking in every little detail. The room I am in is seemingly made out of a pearl-white smooth marble. The room isn't a cube and is in-fact a rectangle. Rows of spacious cages line the walls, spaced out evenly.

I look around again to find myself in a cage. Shiny ink-black bars of seamless unknown metal space out in front of you, just tight enough so that you can't reach your hand out.

I let out a deep sigh and look behind me, wishing to observe the rest of the room later. A seemingly endless void greets me as I turn around. As I wait for my vision to adjust, my vision suddenly improved ten-fold.

I see that inside the void is my living room. I approach the room, extremely wary as my entire living room was separated from the rest of my beautiful house. At the realization of this, I let out a stifled gasp. My horror visible on my face. The color must have drained completely of off my face. I pick up the pace significantly as I sprint across the large area spanning what looked like a mile but in reality was probably no more than a 50 step 'gap'.

Just as I am a few steps away from my 'living room', the whole fucking thing starts to dissolve in front of my eyes. My eyes widen greatly at this sight. I almost scream as the well-loved room is half way to phasing out of existence. A single tear drips down my cheek. I loved my household. I have loved it always ever since the day I got it. It was such a splendid and magnificent house with brilliant history and an extremely good neighborhood as well as a top-notch law firm for me to work at. High pay, lovely colleges, nice area. It was perfect. The local wildlife also interested me quite a lot. I would often go outside on War sunny days and relive some childhood moments of going down to a peaceful creek and just simply observing its natural inhabitants.

The room was gone. Several other rooms that belong to my house exist behind where my 'living room' was just a minute ago.

I full-on sprint towards my Kitchen. An expression that can only be describes as rage and determination. Several tears stream down my face, some of anger and some of sadness. As I reach my kitchen, the same nightmarish process begins again. My dining room is just to my right so I abandon my kitchen and run towards it. Barely any time passes before my dining room begins to suffer the same fate as the other two rooms.

The same hellish fucking occurrence happens with every room as I hectically dart between them all. All of my prized possessions other than my watch have all just disintegrated in front my eyes.

I let out a pained yell as all of my life's hard work dissapeared as I just lay helpless.

Suddenly, a robot droid thing swiftly comes into the room, armed with a syringe filled with a purple and green liquid. My rage overcomes my better judgment and I charge towards the android only to be immediately pricked by the syringe. I fight the unbearable urge to sleep and I absolutely go savage on the robot. When I'm through with it, it is all banged up and looks like it's been exploded. I had went berserk.  

I wake up with a feeling of rage deep inside me but I feel like there is some kind of blockade  preventing my angry emotions from showing. This annoys me slightly but I let it pass.

I am in a new room that is less sterile and overall less nice-looking than the previous room.

This time, it is not bars that cage me but a thick glass wall. A black mat covers the floor which seems to be tiled from the appearance of it from the outer edges. Grey walls enclose the entire room.

I cam see other Humans. Some Hispanic, some Caucasian, etc. Some look more distressed than others while some look at peace. It surprises me how someone could be so calm in the situation that I assume we all went through.

I go over to a group of people and strike conversation.

One is called Billy, another called Simon and one called Tracey. They are all dressed in a similar fashion to me. None of them have a stoic expression and instead hold one that resembles mine, however, my expression shows the most emotions .

"Hello." I say to the group, trying to keep together my extreme amount of emotions.

"Hi." The three say in union.

"Do you know where we are" I ask them, some hope breaking through in my voice.

"Not a clue" Simon says in defeat. A sigh escapes him.

"Nope" Tracy says soon after, looking equally depressed.

Billy just remains silent as he looks forward with his unfaltering gaze.

Soon after our little discussion we talk about out professions. We all have similar jobs. Me and Tracey being lawyers. Billy being an attorney and Simon a politician. 

After a while, a door opens and three towering creatures march in, almost identical to those that I saw when I was attacked.

"Hey. I thought it was just a dream!" I exclaim with panic laced in my voice. Both males of the group roll their eyes at me and tut, while Tracey just sighs  and shakes her head.

Several other strange creatures, all extremely different to one-another follow closely behind the white, four-armed creatures. Some with a fluffy body and an ostrich-like neck while others had great big tusks, blood red fur and a thin collar of grey fur surrounding their necks. There was creatures with an adverb for every letter of the alphabet to describe them!

(Yada Yada Yada. You imagine this 'cus I 'aint describing them sit in a cube for 10 minutes while they do nothing but talk for that entire time.)

(You can also imagine how they eventually got sedated and put inside the auction)

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